Sam : yo smelly
Tegan : i showerd this monring so its u whos smelly
Sam ; woah that hurt so much
Tegan : it should
Sam : your a loser u know that
Tegan ; im a proud loser as for u your a dick head
Sam ; am not
Tegan : are
Sam ; dick sucker
Dad : hey come on now get along

I then get a message

Daniel : out side

I put my phone down

Tegan : bye
Dad : bye

I walk out the door getting in daniels car

Tegan ; hey
Daniel : hi
Tegan : omg i love your hair
Daniel ; its diffrent
Tegan ; its nice tho
Daniel : thank u
Tegan : I'm guessing u had your hair bleached
Daniel : yh it burnt my head
Tegan : ha omg its so diffrent but nice
Daniel : yh i like it defantly gonna keep it
Tegan ; do
Daniel : yh
Tegan : how was your family meal
Daniel ; it was good i had the biggest freaking burger
Tegan : a burger sounds so nice right now
Daniel : we can stop and get one
Tegan : no
Daniel : u sure
Tegan : yh
Daniel : so what did u do today cause u know what i did
Tegan ; chilled at the beach with some frineds got really burnt if u can't see
Daniel : wear sun cream
Tegan : i hate the feal of sun cream
Daniel ; oh ok fair enough but self inflicted as my mom says
Tegan : my dad says that
Daniel : it annoys me sometimes
Tegan : and me
Daniel : but gotta love your parents

I nod my head

Tegan : not just parents other family members aswell
Daniel : yh clearly
Tegan : i can tell your a family guy
Daniel ; yh i wouldn't be living in LA of it wasn't for my family i wouldn't be as confident with out my family . I love them and i always will
Tegan : thats so cute family is forever and blood is thicker then water
Daniel : it is and they will always come first
Tegan ; the way it should be and it the same with me family first forever and always . Even tho they can be a pain
Daniel : very much so especially with 2 brothers and a sister
Tegan : but u don't live with them
Daniel : but we live in the same complex
Tegan : ok but i bet your a pain to them
Daniel : probley
Tegan : i know I'm a pain to sam
Daniel : every sibling is a pain everyones a pain
Tegan : true your especially a pain
Daniel : what have i done
Tegan : i don't know
Daniel : right ok well your a pain aswell
Tegan ; thank u
Daniel : your welcome
Tegan : its so hot
Daniel : its cause your with me
Tegan : ew
Daniel : i know I'm never saying that again thats cringe
Tegan : mager cringe
Daniel : we do not talk of this
Tegan : never
Daniel : oh yh i told jonah that i asked u on a date he was like yes about time dude u finally grew balls

I let out a little laugh

Tegan : nice
Daniel ; have u told yashvi
Tegan ; yh she said yes you've been talking since u met about time u went on a date
Daniel : yh

He pulls over

Tegan : is this where u kill me
Daniel : totally no i thought we could on a walk
Tegan : ok

We get out the car and he grabs my hand

Daniel ; I'm so tired
Tegan ; well u were up half the night messaging me so i would think u are tired
Daniel : how aren't u tired
Tegan : I'm used to not getting much sleep
Daniel ; i normally stay up all night and sleep all day
Tegan : but u couldn't do it today
Daniel ; nah i haven't been able to the past few days I've like I've been awake all night but not being able to sleep all day .
Tegan : why haven't u being able like i understand today
Daniel : because my brother Christian is more of an early person and we've been going to the gym every monring . And then seeing frineds then I've been with u
Tegan : ah guess what
Daniel : what
Tegan :i saw u posted a pitures with Christian i know him
Daniel : how
Tegan : a few months ago i went to an acting group and Christian and we acted together
Daniel : ah u didn't kiss him did u cause he said he had to kiss someone in an acting class
Tegan : no also that would be so awakrd as I'm on a date with his brother
Daniel : it would be awakrd and as much as i like u it would be a turn off if u had kissed my brother
Tegan : yh
Daniel : well thank god u haven't
Tegan : yh
Daniel : but now i can do this

He kisses me and i kiss him back wrapping my arms around his neck and he swips his tonge against my lips and i open up and we fight for denomination and he wins .

Daniel ; your small

I push him away and we start walking again

Daniel : I'm sorry
Tegan : your just rude
Daniel : what u were on your tippie toes
Tegan : shut up u rewined the moment
Daniel : I'm sorry again
Tegan ; u aren't sorry
Daniel : no I'm not
Tegan : and your clumsy
Daniel : what

I stick my foot tripping him over and i burst out laughing as he does almost fall to the fall

Daniel : oi
Tegan : sorry not sorry
Daniel : u say I'm rude look at yourself
Tegan : your gonna regret saying u like me
Daniel : i already do
Tegan : aww thanks
Daniel : your so weird but its the reason i like u and I'm also weird
Tegan ; weird squad
Daniel : omg
Tegan : woo
Daniel ; u need to calm
Tegan : never

I grab both his hands making him dance with me

Tegan : I've got a lot of engery
Daniel : i can tell and some thing tells me I'm gonna need energy when I'm with u
Tegan ; yes u are
Daniel : ok I'll sleep early when i know I'll be meeting u the next day
Tegan : no don't go changing
Daniel : ok i won't
Tegan : good
Daniel : right lets get u home energetic missy
Tegan ; ooo missy
Daniel : i don't know why i said that
Tegan : ok

We walk to the car and he drives me home

Tegan : thank u for tonight is fun especially tripping u over
Daniel : still rude u doing that
Tegan : sorry
Daniel : sure
Tegan : see u soon
Daniel : for sure

I lean over kissing him and i get out walking inside and i head upstairs going to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth removing my makeup and i go to my room getting in my pjs and i get in bed

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