Sam : hi
Tegan ; hey
Sam ; I'm bored
Tegan ; come to the party then
Sam ; where is it
Tegan : on the beach out side
Sam : ok but let me get drunk
Tegan : sam dad would kill me if i let u drink
Sam ; i won't get drunk but let me drink
Tegan : 2 drinks
Sam ; yes
Tegan ; i mean just 2 cause your a fucking light weight
Sam ; i know

The door then goes and i get it

Tegan ; oh hi
Jonah : sup
Yashvi ; forgot to say there coming with us
Tegan ; ok well lets go sam move your ass
Sam ; I'm here lets go

We walk out the door

Daniel ; u live on the beach
Tegan ; yh
Daniel : jelouse
Sam : so who are theses people
Yashvi ; this is Jonah i went to school with him and this daniel jonahs frined
Jonah ; yh
Sam ; ok
Daniel : so are u guys frineds more then frineds
Tegan : brother and sister
Daniel : good

We get to the party and i get a drink

Sam : damn some cute girls
Daniel : yh
Jonah : nope
Yashvi : sam u gonna get any
Sam ; i hope so i have not been laied in a long time
Tegan : wrap it up
Sam : I'm fucking dump
Tegan : thats debatable
Daniel ; your mean
Tegan ; i know
Sam ; i live with that
Daniel ; I'm sorry
Jonah : dude
Daniel ; chill bro
Yashvi : i love ned but why did i have to get a boyfriend we can't do ods on anymore
Tegan ; that's so sad
Yashvi : blame me
Tegan ; i do
Sam ; right I'm gonna try getting laied
Tegan : i mean it wrap up and 2 drinks
Sam ; stop being my mom

He walks off

Jonah ; why does he remind of Zach
Daniel ; i was thinking that
Yashvi : why does he remind of Zach who ever he is
Jonah : he just does
Daniel : something about it
Tegan : ok

We walk over to the fire sitting down

Yashvi : i feel like u should still do ods on
Tegan ; I'm not doing it alone
Daniel : i know what ods on is but what do u do
Yashvi : kiss people
Jonah ; Daniel should do that
Daniel : shut the fuck up
Tegan : I'll pass
Jonah : oh come on don't be boring u 2
Yashvi ; yh
Tegan : fine
Daniel ; well if shes in im in
Yashvi : right 1 to 5
Jonah ; 1 to 3
Daniel : no 1 to 5
Yashvi : 1 to 5
Jonah : right daniel ods on u kissing tegan
Daniel ; fuck u
Jonah : 3 2 1
Daniel and Jonah : 3

I shake my head

Daniel : I'm sorry

He leans in and kisses me

Yashvi : woooo
Daniel ; jonah
Jonah : u can thank me later
Daniel : no fuck u

I let out a little laugh

Tegan : u like that word don't u
Daniel : today i do
Tegan ; ok
Daniel : i am sorry
Tegan ; its ok don't worry about it
Yashvi : your turn
Tegan ; mhm
Yashvi ; kiss daniel
Tegan ; for fuck sake
Daniel ; were getting bullied
Tegan : we are should we say fuck u and walk off
Daniel ; I'm down for that
Yashvi ; u wouldn't leave me
Tegan : wanna bet
Yashvi : yh
Tegan : bye
Daniel : bye losers

We get up and i get myself anuther drink

Daniel : i swear all u hear me say is i hate u or fuck u
Tegan : i do but its funny cause u get so pissed off
Daniel : cause Jonah knows shit and teasing me with it
Tegan : same with yash
Daniel : something tells me we need frineds
Tegan ; yh but i don't get to see yashvi much cause she does live in Australia so
Daniel : I'm really jelouse of that
Tegan : i am aswell never been
Daniel : been once
Tegan ; thats just unfair
Daniel : I'm sorry
Tegan : oh well I'll go one day
Daniel : yh u will
Tegan : id love to live there u can drink at 18 but then u can drink in Canada at 19 and i prtically live Canada
Daniel ; why do u prtically live there
Tegan : all the acting i do is in Canada
Daniel : ah ok make sence
Tegan : yh
Daniel : any thing coming up for u more acting
Tegan : uh yh i leave in a few days
Daniel : how long u gone for
Tegan : 3 months
Daniel : that's ages
Tegan : its not long
Daniel : its not long but its long time to be away from home
Tegan ; yh it is
Daniel : oh look sams walking home with a girl
Tegan : great
Daniel : u are like a mom aren't u
Tegan : sam didn't really grow up with a mom and our dad worked a lot so i took care of sam so i worry a lot
Daniel : ah ok that makes sence
Tegan : yh
Daniel : why wasn't your mom around
Tegan : reasons
Daniel : its fine u don't have to say
Tegan : ok
Daniel : should of gave sam a condom made sure he wrapped up
Tegan : oh yh like I'm gonna whip out a condom
Daniel : is it just guys who carry them around
Tegan : are u carrying one around
Daniel : yes but u never know when your gonna get lucky
Tegan : omg
Daniel : safe then sorry
Tegan ; true
Daniel : so yh
Tegan ; ok well I'll leave it to the guy for condoms
Daniel ; well girls could carry them around aswell
Tegan : yh i know its just anuther thing to add to the bag
Daniel : yh
Luke : tegan come play soccor with us
Tegan : ok come play
Daniel : I'm good
Tegan ; come on
Daniel : fine

We walk over

Tegan : Daniels playing
Luke : ok Daniel your on my team tegan your on James's
Tegan : chill

I walk over to James's team and we figure out the places were gonna play and then the game starts and the whole time i went for daniel and he went for me . And my team wone

Tegan : wooo loser
Daniel : shut up i don't really play soccor
Tegan : neither do i
Daniel : yet u still wone
Tegan : i was in a team is more them i was more interested in stopping u from getting the ball
Daniel : that's just a bit rude
Tegan : don't care loser
Daniel : ok
Jonah : dude I've orderd an uber should be here in a sec
Daniel : oh
Jonah : its almost 12
Tegan : is it
Yashvi : yh
Daniel : wow ok
Jonah : u guys have fun
Daniel : more fun once we left u
Tegan : yh
Yashvi : thanks
Daniel : i guess I'll see u around
Tegan : yh
Jonah : bye
Yashvi : bye

Daniel kisses my cheek and walks off and me and yash look at each other

Yashvi : well what does that mean
Tegan : u tell me
Yashvi : he likes u
Tegan : funny
Yashvi : no jonah told me the other day daniel said u were cute and i told him u said daniel was cute aswell . thats why we met them yesterday and i invited them today so u could get close with Daniel
Tegan : stop getting involved if things happen they happen
Yashvi : ok
Tegan : i love u
Yashvi : knew u wouldn't be pissed love u too

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