Tegan : I'm going out
Dad : ok
Tegan : see u later
Dad : yh love u
Tegan : love u too

I walk out the door getting in my car and i drive to daniels

Tegan ; hey
Daniel : hey
Tegan : how are u
Daniel : I'm good how are u
Tegan : I'm ok i got a cold so i recommend u stay away a bit
Daniel : i got a cold aswell thanks to my brother
Tegan : so were both ill great
Daniel : i know
Tegan : can i say sorry again for yeserday
Daniel ; don't worry its fine
Tegan : ok
Daniel : so with your acting stuff u never told me danced aswell
Tegan : I'm sorry i forgot
Daniel ; we've messaged everyday since that party ages ago how can u forget
Tegan : it happens
Daniel ; ok
Tegan : right what do u want to eat
Daniel ; i feel like pizza
Tegan : really
Daniel : yes

He tells me what he wants and order it

Tegan : all done
Daniel : good
Tegan : u have a really nice view from here
Daniel : yh u have the boat port and trust me when the sun sets behind the boats its so nice .
Tegan ; i bet
Daniel : but the sun set hasn't been the best cause LA seems to be just raining wet and dark
Tegan : i know what's wrong with u LA were in april
Daniel : litrally
Tegan : oh well it better be nice soon
Daniel : yh
Tegan : have we really gone to talking about the weather
Daniel : yh change the subject
Tegan : yh u said one i could hear u play music can i hear
Daniel : come with me

I get up and we go to his music room and he gets his guitar and starts singing

Tegan : your so good
Daniel : thanks
Tegan : get this man famouse
Daniel : yh i want people to hear my music
Tegan : yh and people will hear it
Daniel : hope so
Tegan : they will trust one day the whole world will know your name and have millons of girls after u
Daniel : i wouldn't say millons
Tegan : there will be millons
Daniel : i don't have anyone after me now so i dout anyone would want me
Tegan : who says no one wants u
Daniel : i just do
Tegan ; your stupid
Daniel : how am i stupid
Tegan : u say no one wants u but i know one person who does
Daniel : oh yh and who
Tegan : i like u
Daniel : u do

I nod my head

Tegan : there now u know someone likes u so shut up

He moves closer to me leaning in and he kisses me and i kiss him back putting my hand on his jaw .

Daniel : i like u aswell
Tegan : ok
Daniel : just ok
Tegan : i don't know what to say I'm that awakrd person who goes thanks or ok
Daniel ; i thought i was awakrd
Tegan : nope...so
Daniel : do u want to go on a date

I nod my head

Tegan : i would like that
Daniel : good 
Tegan : jeuse when i tell Yashvi she gonna yell
Daniel : same with Jonah hes been like u like her do something about it and telling me I'm stupid and that
Tegan ; friends are amzing
Daniel ; i know right
Tegan : yh but i have 1 thing i need to say
Daniel : ok
Tegan ; I'm not gonna get into it but i had a messed childhood so i don't have the biggest trust in people . And some times i do tend to push people away
Daniel : what do u want me to do if u did push me away do u want me to give u space or not give u space
Tegan : give me space
Daniel ; ok
Tegan : is that ok
Daniel : yh I'd match rather know then not cause knowing me id probley think i done something
Women : daniel
Daniel ; mom hi
Keri : hi
Daniel : what are u doing here
Keri ; wanted to see if u wanted dinner and i tryed calling and u weren't answer
Daniel ; sorry my phones in the living room and no thanks we've orderd pizza
Keri ; ok
Daniel : um by the way this is tegan , tegan this is my mom keri
Tegan ; hi
Keri ; hi

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