Tegan : sam I'm going out do u want to come
Sam ; I'm good thanks for asking tho
Tegan ; ok well see u later then
Sam ; ok

I walk out the door getting in my car and i drive to the beach

Tegan : yo
Yashvi : yo back
Tegan : why we at the beach u hate the beach
Yashvi ; jonah said meet here
Tegan : ah cool
Yashvi : Daniel will be here aswell
Tegan : nice

I sit down and yash passes me a water bottle and i drink some a spill most of it down my boobs and we burst out laughing

Yashvi : smart one
Jonah : whats so funny
Tegan : only i would do that
Yashvi : i know
Daniel : what have we missed
Yashvi : she spilt all her water down her boobs
Tegan : but then again what boobs i don't have any
Yashvi : true
Daniel : girls confuse me
Tegan : boy confuse me
Yashvi : they give to mant mixed signals
Jonah : girls do the same
Daniel : yh hella confussing one minute there like your cute then next your getting left on read
Tegan : Boys do the same
Yashvi : everyone's confusing we will go with that
Jonah : yh
Daniel ; anyway what we doing here
Jonah : talking getting to all know each other and catch up
Yashvi : yh u should get to know Daniel
Jonah : and Daniel should get to know Tegan
Tegan : why
Jonah : why not
Daniel : right

I stear at yashvi

Yashvi : if looks could kill
Jonah ; u would be dead
Yashvi : i know
Tegan : just shut up
Daniel : i hate him
Tegan : i hate her
Jonah : we hear

Daniel sticks his middle finger up

Tegan ; lovely
Daniel ; i know but hes pissing me off
Tegan : what's he done
Daniel : doesn't matter but all u need to know is that he's pissed me off and i hate him at the minute
Tegan ; ok
Daniel : why do u hate her then
Tegan : reasons
Daniel : ok
Tegan : what happend to your hand
Daniel ; my sister made me jump last night whacked my hand on the sode of the door and now there bruised
Tegan : say u got in a fight
Daniel ; not much of violent person so no one would believe me
Tegan : ok
Daniel ; also i don't wanna be seen as a violent person
Tegan : thats fair enough
Daniel : yh
Tegan : so your sistee older or younger
Daniel : younger
Tegan : she your only sibling
Daniel ; no 2 older brothers aswell
Tegan : your poor sister 3 older brothers
Daniel : yh we do feel sorry for her but we aren't to annoying
Tegan ; sure
Daniel : what about u any siblings
Tegan : younger brother very annoying keeps me up all night
Daniel : i do that to my sister or did before i moved out
Tegan : what u yelled at video games all night
Daniel : no i sing and played instruments all night kept her up
Tegan ; i don't know if thats more annoying then yelling
Daniel : i don't know
Tegan : oh well

I look at yash

Jonah : why are u giving us a dirty look
Tegan : cause i can
Yashvi : Myles Stephenson posted

I quickly steal her phone looking

Tegan : hes so fit
Yashvi : i would break up with ned for him
Tegan : if i had a boyfriend and i had a chance with Myles I'd dump them aswell
Yashvi : no that u would have a chance anyway your just a baby
Tegan : shut up your only a year older so like u would either
Yashvi ; more of a chance then u
Tegan : I'm an actor he could see me on tv
Yashvi : fuck u

I let out a little laugh

Daniel : whos Myles Stephenson

I pass him yashs phone

Jonah ; so u like curly haired guys Yashvi : yh guess so Daniel : what does he do Tegan ; in a band he sings Daniel : gotta lisen to him Yashvi : this is them

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Jonah ; so u like curly haired guys
Yashvi : yh guess so
Daniel : what does he do
Tegan ; in a band he sings
Daniel : gotta lisen to him
Yashvi : this is them

Me and Yashvi sing along

Jonah ; ok
Yashvi ; they good
Tegan ; and fit
Daniel ; so your an actor
Tegan ; yh
Daniel : what stuff u been in
Tegan : just a few shows that probley early teens watch
Daniel : ok
Jonah : were going to get ice creams u guys stay here and look after the stuff
Daniel : ok
Yashvi : enjoy

I stick my middle finger up

Daniel : hate him even more now
Tegan : am i that bad
Daniel : no no no i wasn't meant like that i mean
Tegan : chill out its a joke
Daniel : oh thank god its not u its him
Tegan ; ok
Daniel : i swear
Tegan : i believe u
Daniel : but u don't seem so happy to be with me
Tegan : no yash just knows stuff and shes kinda messing with me its not u
Daniel : ah ok so u don't hate me
Tegan : why would i hate u
Daniel ; u never know
Tegan ; well i don't to be honest i don't hate many people like there's a few and yash at the moment
Daniel ; i don't think i hate anyone apart from jonah
Tegan ; ok
Daniel : so what got u into acting
Tegan : i acted in school plays and i loved it so i carried on with it
Daniel : ok
Tegan : what got u into music
Daniel : I've been singing and playing instruments for as long i can rember and i love it and i also grew up in a church where i also heard singing
Tegan : gotta hear u one day
Daniel : just message me and we can figure out a way for u to hear
Tegan ; how can i message u if i don't have your number

He hands me his phone and i put my number in

Yashvi : were back
Daniel : we see

Yash hands me my ice cream and we eat

Tegan ; i gotta go
Yashvi : see u tomrrow
Tegan : don't forget about the party
Yashvi : 8 at your right
Tegan ; yes
Yashvi : ok
Daniel ; nice seeing u again
Tegan : and u
Jonah : bye
Tegan : bye

I walk away going to my car driving back home

Tegan ; sup losers
Dad ; hi to u to
Sam ; your a loser
Tegan : yh

I sit down

Dad : we're about to watch a movie u joining
Tegan ; yh
Sam ; fast and furious
Dad ; ok

Thry put on fast and furious and we it

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