Officer : u have a vister
Tegan : ok

I get up and walk to meeting place and daniels here

Tegan : what are u doing here
Daniel : i want answers
Tegan : what do u want to know
Daniel : what did your mom do for u to kill her
Tegan : when i was younger and my dad used to work late my mom used to beat me up and when i turned 7 she sold my body to old guys she would let guys touch me...and do stuff  untill i was 8 . So for a year she would let theses old disgusting men use my body . And she told me if i ever told my dad or anyone what she done she would kill my dad and sam . And i believed her so i didn't tell anyone untill my dad came home one night early and saw some guy in bed with me doing stuff .
Daniel : shit

I wipe my face

Tegan : i told u i had messed childhood
Daniel : what happend after your dad found
Tegan : he called the police my mom and the guy got taken in but because the guy was a police officer he got away . And there was no proof that my mom had been hurting me she got away with it aswell .
Daniel : fuck the police there shit if they let them get away
Tegan : but we got a restraining order on my mom but it ran out last year so
Daniel : what happend yeserday did u plan on killing her

I shake my head

Tegan : she pulled a gun out on me and i manged to get out of her hand and then she went for me and i manged to get her to the floor . And she wasn't stopping i was scared so i grabbed the gun and i shot her . It was self defence if i didn't do it i belive i would be dead now
Daniel : how was sam invloved
Tegan : after i shot her thats when same came in
Daniel : what was the other shot
Tegan : i dropped the gun and it went off again
Daniel : whats going to happen to u
Tegan : well I've been changed and i have no chance of bail so i am in here till my court hearing . And there trying to make my court hearing happen next week
Daniel : so will u be doing time in prison
Tegan : i could get prison time i might get community service as it was self defence . But its not sounding good cause my dad is my lawyer and he reccons i could get 3 years
Daniel : 3 years

I nod my head

Daniel ; it was self defence
Tegan : but the police don't know that  theres so cctv footage of what happend . And an officer stright up and said i think u meant to kill her on purpose she messed up your life and i could of had full on intentions of killing her
Daniel : can officer do that
Tegan : don't know
Daniel ; my god
Tegan : i think we should we break up
Daniel : what
Tegan : i don't want u to be knowen as the actors killers boyfrined
Daniel : no i don't care
Tegan : do u really want to be with someone who's killed someone

He goes quiet

Tegan : no i didn't think so , so we are over
Daniel : Tegan please i don't care what people care of me
Tegan : well i do daniel i care about u and i am not letting u being knowen as something other then daniel seavey the singer . Not the guy who dates an actor who turned out to be a killer
Daniel : u aren't a killer it was an accident
Tegan : yep
Daniel : we don't have to end
Tegan : well we are I'm sorry

I get up and thr gaurd opens the door and go to my cell and my room mates in there .

Katy : looks whos back

I sit down

Katy : don't ignore me
Tegan : sorry
Katy : who was here to see u
Tegan : my boyfriend or my ex boyfriend now
Katy : aww doesn't he want to be with killer
Tegan : i ended it
Katy : that's what they all say

I nod my head

Tegan : has anyone came to see u
Katy : no one wants to see me so no and we don't talk about family in here got it
Tegan : yes
Katy : good now keep your mouth shut I'm going for a nap and if u wake me up I'll kill u a slow and painful way it
Tegan : yes

She lays down i grab the book from the side and i lean aganist the wall and i read

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I'm sorry this chapter is short

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