Tagging Along - Legolas x Reader

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I decided that the original oneshot I wrote here needed some heavy editing, so I went ahead and edited everything that needed to be fixed in this chapter. If you're wondering why I did this, it's because there were so many things that weren't accurate and it bothered me because I try to stay accurate to the LOTR/TH movies or books all the time.

Word count: 1,385 words


While you were in Rivendell, you were asked to join the Council of Elrond. And during the Council meeting, everyone discussed the One Ring. How were you all going to rid of it? And how are you going to keep it away from Sauron?

Erestor suggested that the ring should be given to Tom Bombadil. Glorfindel said that his plan just wouldn't work, and figured that the ring should be destroyed. It was agreed upon that Glorfindel's plan should be executed.

Nine people were to be chosen to go to Mordor in order to destroy the ring. One of the nine was obviously going to be Frodo, the ring bearer. This meant that eight others were needeed.

However, Lord Elrond had decided that the others going would be two men, Aragorn and Boromir, an Istari, Gandalf the Grey, three hobbits, Sam, Merry, and Pippin, a dwarf, Gimli, and an elf, Legolas. He is the prince of Mirkwood, where you live, and you developed an infatuation for the elf, just as many other elves have possibly done.

He was traveling to Rivendell as a messenger of King Thranduil, and you wanted to join him. You've always wanted to see the Hidden Valley.

"I really want to go. It's about time that I travel Middle-Earth, anyway." you insisted.

"No. You don't even know why I'm going. Why would you bother to go?" Legolas said.

"Come on, just let me go with you. Please." You put your hands on his arms. Legolas didn't seem too bothered about this.

"...Fine. But do not make any fuss if the trip is boring, okay?" You smiled brightly as you slowly took your hands off of Legolas.

"Thank you so much. Let's go." you said, calmly. The two of you walked away from the kingdom. You were about to go to Rivendell.

Rivendell was a nice place, as there is lots of sun, trees, and waterfalls. While you were there with Legolas, you had to go to the Council of Elrond. During the council, it was decided that a group of nine people was to be formed, called The Fellowship of the Ring, and the people who made it in were mentioned earlier.

You were not in The Fellowship.

You wanted to be in it.

Obviously, you were going to tag along with the team, without any of the council members knowing. But, you had to tell Legolas about this first, so he can know that you are willing to travel across Middle-Earth to get the ring to where it belongs.

The moment you told him that you were tagging along, Legolas was not happy. He was very concerned about you possibly dying.

"You might DIE only travelling with us, and I do not want you to die. You are my friend. I don't want to lose you." Legolas said, with a concerned look on his face. You were willing to die, just as long as you dying helps Frodo get the ring to Mordor.

"I do not mind death." you said. "Just as long as I die helping you guys on this quest."

Legolas frowned. "If you want to risk your life, fine, but what about the rest of the Fellowship? Do you think they'll just let a random elf tag along with them?" he asked.

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