Newborn - Glorfindel x Reader

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So in this one, you, the reader, are pregnant and I have never been pregnant in my life. So, I'm basing this off the few memories that I have of my mom being pregnant with my sister and what I know about pregnancy.

[Top art by Līga Kļaviņa]

Word count: 1,031 words


Walking down Imladris with your husband, Glorfindel, you  felt your stomach. You were expecting, and you been for a year. This meant that the elfling was nearly due.

Since it was nearly time for your child to be born, you and your beloved had already set up your home for the elfling. These times were stressful, as you two had wondered whether or not you would be good parents and if your home was ready for a new elf.

Glorfindel is well-known as a warrior and the former Lord of the House of the Golden Flower. He is also known for fighting a Balrog, killing it, dying, and returning to Middle-earth in the Second Age. You were known for creating popular songs, and performing them every night.

Ever since you found out that you were pregnant, you stopped performing around Imladris. You sort of missed it, but you were also glad that you can stay at home and spend time with your husband more often.

Although you really enjoy staying at home, you were anxious about having to stay at home with an elfling. Based on what your friends have told you, elflings can be adorable nightmares. But they are so worth it in the end.

Soon, you felt a lot of pain. The baby was, as mentioned before, due soon, but it wasn't due quite yet. Glorfindel noticed that you were in pain, so he put his hands on your shoulders.

"Melamin, let's go home." your husband told you. "I do believe that you must rest."

"No, no, no. I'm fine, it was a minor jolt of pain! We can continue going on our walk." you said. "Besides, walking would help me because it can--"

Glorfindel cut in, "Let's go home. I do not want to see you like this." He put an arm around your back and lead you home. Once you came home you sat down and read a book to relax. The blond elf sat next to you, wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer.

You looked at Glorfindel and smiled. And then you frowned. This made your husband concerned. It could be a weird mood swing, but he had to make sure that you were okay.

"Muin nin, what is the problem?" Glorfindel asked. "Do you need me to get anything? Are you in more pain?"

"I don't need anything." you answered. "My pain is getting worse and it's happening more often... oh no. It's almost time."

"Didn't you tell me that you could not wait for our elfling?"

"I did. And I am excited." you hesitated. "But I fear that I could be an awful mother. I probably have to go back to performing, I have no experience with little ones, and if I can't handle this stress, I'll never be able to handle the stress of taking care of an elfling."

You rested your head on Glorfindel's shoulder. "I understand how you feel. I'm stressed out, and I usually keep my cool. I'm nervous, but we can do this. Trust me." he said. Raising your head from his shoulder, you looked at him. Your husband kissed your nose.

A ton of pain filled your body. The blond elf knew that there was nothing that he could do. It was natural and all he could do was let it happen. But it did not stop him from pitying you.

Glorfindel sort of missed the old days, where you two would play punch, joke, and mess around with each other. Hopefully, after the elfling is born and gets a little bit older, those days would return, and on a brand new level.

The sun began to set and you got ready for bed. You hoped that you would sleep easily and the elfling wouldn't be ready in the middle of the night. After you tucked yourself into bed, Glorfindel joined you and yawned.

"Melamin, what sex do you want the elfling to be?" you whispered.

"It does not matter to me. No matter what it is, I'll love them no matter what." your husband whispered back. "What about you?"

"I'd love them no matter what." You shut your eyes and tried to go to sleep. Just as you hoped, you slept through the night.

The next morning, you noticed that you were in lots of pain and the pain happened every few minutes. You didn't feel that it was time to go to the healers, so you chose to wait a while until you gave birth.

It was while you were about to prepare yourself a lunch when the elfling was ready. Now was no time to hesitate, so you reacted and moved quickly.

"Glorfindel! Melamin! It's time!" you shouted. "We must go, quickly!" Your husband ran to you and rushed you to the healers. He had a nervous look in his eyes, which is the one you had seen only a few times before.

At the healing chambers, you laid down in a bed and prepared yourself. Glorfindel was at your side, holding your hand. You squeezed it. Healers came and got out the tools that they needed.

Finally, after screaming in pain, pushing, squeezing your husband's hand tightly, and watching him wince, the elfling was born. The midwife handed you your child. "Congratulations, it's a boy!" she announced.

You held the elfling in your arms and began to cry tears of joy. It seemed that Glorfindel had misty eyes. This would be one of the best moments in your life. At last, you and Glorfindel were parents to an adorable elfling. Being with your new son made you forget about how stressed out you were not very long ago.

"What is his name?" asked the midwife.

"Noruinifon." you responded. "His name will be Noruinifon." You looked at your husband to see if he liked the name. And he did.

"Noruinifon Glorfindelion. I like it." he said. "You really picked a nice name, melamin." You were so happy. You now had a wonderful son with your husband, who is the love of your life. Being a mother was going to be difficult, but an amazing experience at the same time.


And that's the oneshot. I hope you liked this one!

Novaer, mellyn nin!

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