The Forest - Dior x Reader

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I really wish we got to learn more about Dior, but oh well. Warning: I kinda didn't know what I was doing near the end, but I still think this is pretty good.

[Top art by Vinyatar on Tumblr]

Word count: 1,441 words


All your life, you have lived in the forest. Most of the time you lived alone, with nobody by your side. Well, you lived in the most important city in Doriath, Menegroth as a baby. That was what your parents told you before they mysteriously disappeared.

You had assumed that your parents had died, but you weren't sure how. It was unfortunate, and you mourned their sudden deaths for many days. To this day, you still mourn their deaths. Now, nobody was with you to protect you and take care of you. That was fine, as you could take care of yourself perfectly well.

However, it just felt lonely to live in the forest by yourself. Sure, there were animals in the forest, but there was nobody to have an engaging conversation with. Nobody to huddle with for warmth. Nobody to love and make memories with. You were honestly not a fan of this life you're stuck in.

There was no escape, though. The forest was huge, and you would never be able to find the cities that lie in Doriath. They were beautiful, according to your parents. Elves lived there. And the elves that ruled the land were unique in some way, but it was a good way.

Today, the green trees surrounded you as usual. Sunlight peeked in through the trees, which allowed you  to see. Animals were roaming around. The forest was peaceful, unlike your mind. It wasn't clear. It was full of thoughts about running away from this forest. You didn't hate it, but you wanted to leave.

Maybe one day, a handsome elf would find you in the forest and save you. He'll take you to Menegroth, and you'll have a happily ever after. As if that was going to happen. But let a person dream.

Although you knew that it would never happen, you had a feeling that it could happen. Maybe. Don't keep your head up, as all of that just sounds so unrealistic. It sounds like one of those fairy tales about two people falling in love. And fairy tales aren't real. They're just old tales that are made-up.

If only it could happen. Seeing the cities was your biggest dream. What did they look like? How were the folk of those places? They'll possibly poke fun of you for being so out of touch with their culture and normal things.

You'll be so out of place. Since you lived in the forest alone for so long, you had no idea what people actually did. The only things you know about culture is what your parents taught you. They taught you the basics of manners and the culture of your people. Your parents also taught you a few life skills, but they were mostly helpful for situations that only happen in the forest.

Soon, the sound of hoofs stamping could be heard. Somebody was approaching. You quickly ran and hid, making a lot of noise in the process. That was a horrible mistake. The mysterious person who came to the area obviously heard it and began to investigate.

"Who is there?" the person called out. The voice was that of a male. His voice was soothing and one that you personally liked. Instead of continuing to hide, you sang a song in a language that you remember your parents teaching you. A song in Sindarin.

Tolo a hirnin (Come and find me)
An im dolen (For I am hidden)
Tass theledraith lín nin (Then you will rescue me)
A pathanin a amar (And show me the world)

The person had looked all around the place for you. Sure, it was weird to force somebody to find you in the forest, but you wanted to see if this was a person worth falling for. You always believed that the person who rescued you would be the one you'd fall in love with.

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