Loss - Túrin x Reader

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This was a request from thirdbreakfast. Thank you so much for the request. Warning: you, the reader, die in this one, so if these kinds of fics aren't your cup of tea, then you probably won't want to read this.

[Top art by Elena Kukanova]

Word count: 1,397 words


It had been many days since you had first met Túrin. Your families were close, meaning that the two of you saw each other often. Then, when you turned eight, you were sent to seek refugee with Túrin. It was a life-changing event, but you ended up living peacefully in Doriath with him.

He was your best friend, and soon he became the man that you love. It was nice to still be able to see him every day, and you hoped that it will all stay as it is. Then, something happened that would make things different.

Túrin accidentally killed Saeros, one of King Thingol's counselors out of rage. Instead of either facing the consequences of his actions or being pardoned, Túrin fled to an unknown place, meaning that you no longer saw him. You were upset, and you needed to find him. Luckily, Beleg Cúthalion was also wishing to look for Túrin.

"You are also wanting to find Túrin?" asked Beleg, once you confessed that you really wanted to look for the man that you love. You nodded, glad that Beleg wants to find Túrin. "We should request a leave to King Thingol, so we can search for him."

"That sounds like a good idea." you told Beleg. "When are we going to obtain a leave?"

"Now." the elf answered.

You and Beleg requested to go find Túrin, who was in fact King Thingol's foster son. Thingol also wanted Túrin returned to Doriath, so he agreed that both of you shall find him. You were relieved that there didn't need to be any argument.

Lots of time passed when you found some outlaws at the outskirts of Amon Rûdh. They believed that you and Beleg were spies from Doriath, so they tied you up until their leader was to come back. You were scared for your life, but remained calm. Túrin would want you to be brave.

Eventually, the leader of the outlaws came. It was Túrin. He recognized you and Beleg, so he told the outlaws to let you go. At first, they were a little reluctant, but then they obeyed and freed you and Beleg.

Now, you had to convince Túrin to come to Doriath. But how? Perhaps you can confess your love, and beg him to come back so you two can lead a life as a happy couple. No, there's a high chance that it would not work at all. You'd probably get laughed at.

So, you weren't the one who attempted to get Túrin to return. It was Beleg who did it. He told the man that the king had pardoned Túrin for his actions, and he needed to come back to his home. Unfortunately, Túrin refused and that was when you and Beleg left, a little frustrated.

While on your way to Doriath, you still wanted to be reunited with Túrin. And so did Beleg. But you knew that there was no convincing him. So you had to come up with some other plan to finally see Túrin, your childhood friend, again.

That was when you had a plan. What if you joined Túrin's group of outlaws? Sure, this meant that you had to leave the lovely place that you called home, but as long as you were reunited with Túrin, you wouldn't care where you were. You would travel to the ends of the world for him. Even if he didn't love you back.

As soon as you entered Doriath, you and Beleg went to King Thingol and Queen Melian to tell them that you had to join Túrin, and he was not returning to Doriath. You explained to the king and queen what happened in Anon Rûdh.

Thingol sighed. "What more would Túrin have me do?"

"Allow me to leave this place, my lord." you answered. "I shall accompany him wherever he goes, and I will help him overcome the challenges he faces. I swear to help your foster son."

You were given leave by the king, and then he told you, "Although you haven't battled for me, you still deserve my thanks. For Túrin cares for you, and you have given him great company. And now you plan to find my foster son. At this parting ask for any gift, and I will not deny it to you."

For a moment, you thought of what gift to ask for. Then, you realized that you needed a proper sword. Orcs were getting stronger, and you wouldn't be able to survive without a good weapon.

"I ask then for a sword of worth," you requested. "for the Orcs come now too thick and close for me to face them with only my hands, and my fists are no match for their armor."

"Choose from all that I have," said Thingol. "save only Aranrúth, my own."

Despite never really holding a sword in your hands, you knew the swords that King Thingol had. After a while of thinking about which sword you should choose, you went with Anglachel, which apparently was named that because it was made of iron that, as a blazing star, fell from heaven. It was truly a sword of great worth.

As Thingol was handing the sword to you, Queen Melian looked at the blade. She knew of the smith of this sword, and how dark his heart was.

So, she said to you, "There is malice in this sword. The dark heart of the smith still dwells in it. It will not love the hand it serves; neither will it abide with you long."

"Nonetheless I will wield it while I may." you replied.

"Another gift I will give to you," said Melian. "that shall be your help in the wild, and the help also of those whom you chose." Then, she handed you lembas, elvish waybread. Never have the elves allowed Men to have their waybread, so you were shocked to be given it. You took the gift and thanked the fair queen kindly.

Beleg then requested leave as well, and was also given his own sword. This meant that you and Beleg were going to join Túrin and assist him in anything he needed help in, including battling the servants of Morgoth.

During the winter, you were finally reunited with Túrin. And though you had the strongest feelings of love for him, you never said a word about your love. You just couldn't do it. While you were in the lands where Túrin was in, you and Beleg helped Túrin's men, who were sick with cold.

Since that day, you, Beleg, and Túrin took the Dragon-helm. Many warriors joined you, and there were many who were freed from evil for a while. Because you all were spending lots of time together, a close friendship remained between the three of you for some time to come.

Then, came some terror. A pack of orcs had come to the area, taking Túrin and placing both you and Beleg in severe danger. You had to be saved by a member of Túrin's group of outlaws, named Androg, who ended up getting killed while helping you and Beleg. Although you were glad to be alive, you felt bad that you living had to come at the cost of somebody dying.

Túrin was captured by the Orcs at the moment, so you, Beleg, and an escaped slave of Morgoth, Gwindor, went to save him. Luckily, you made it to where Túrin was held alive, though a heavily wounded. He was tied up, meaning that you had to cut his bonds with your sword.

As you cut him free, you accidentally slipped and cut Túrin. You gasped, realizing your mistake. Then, Túrin became enraged. He tried to slay you, and you let out a loud shriek before you were unfortunately killed, after he wrestled your sword from your hands.

Later, Túrin recognized your face, and instantly he muttered your name, dropping to the ground on his knees in regret. Then, as soon as he knew you were dead, he shouted your name, with misty eyes, and while taking shaky breaths.

"I loved you, and now you're gone." he whispered to your cold and  dead body. "If only I had time to tell you that I love you." For many days, Túrin mourned your death and regretted killing you for a long time to come.


A lot of the dialogue in this came straight from The Silmarillion. Well, I hope you enjoyed this, despite it being sad.

Novaer, mellyn nin!

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