Chapter 11: The Doubter and Great Faith

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Eli: I see 3 guys entering in another house in the village and then I Hear names Ayanda, Phindile, Gcobani.

And then they try to kill this lady who keeps money for the villages and she cries out and they tell her if you've ever point our names we will kill you and your family one by one give us money now and I see her taking out a lot of money giving to the guys and not sure like they give her a share and they say you shut your mouth.

Grace: Pray this to Him.

Precious Holy Spirit who loves me your son Eli much, 💖 I don't know anything, I'm a child, You are Good all the time who always protect me wherever I go even now, what do you want Papa God, why are you sharing this to me this? 😊 In Jesus name, Amen.

Holy Spirit: Expose them in the funeral my son.

Eli: Grace no! no! I will not do this please Lord forgive me.

Grace: So tell me what Precious Holy Spirit who knows everything said.💖

Eli: He Said,

Holy Spirit: You must preach and when you preach, the fire will come down and they cannot stand the fire because of my fire...Tell them to repent! repent! repent!

Eli: Is this all true and from the Holy Spirit?? Yes I know this matter that the village money was stolen this lady claims to be robbed and gun pointed but even today no solution the matter is in lawyers... In my village we have a sand soil that is used when you build a house, so there are building construction companies they buy there every month, money usually goes to the bank, but this December 2019 the village committee went to withdraw the money the money was to be shared for every house usually they use to withdraw the same day they are to share but now they withdraw it day before and during the night money gone.

Holy Spirit: Fire will fall on their heads it will force them to tell all villagers that they have money.

Grace: Whatever the Lord tells you Eli whom Jesus loves you do it. 💖

Eli: I hear wisdom wisdom wisdom.

Holy Spirit: Use Wisdom.

Holy Spirit: Don't point names don't point names don't point names don't point names...

Grace: The moment you tell this people what they've done without telling their names. 😊💖 Eventually the Lord will convict them.

God the Holy Spirit: I'm the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob I'm from everlasting to everlasting who ever abides in me and I in me, does my commandments then I shall live with him forever go do not be afraid God Iam with you always and from your mothers womb until now do what I tell you to do this is your opportunity.

Eli: Is this God??

Grace: Glory Halleluiah! 😊💖 My Precious Holy Spirit who loves us much! 💖💖 Yeah that's God 💖 our Beloved God.😊💖

Holy Spirit: Eli do not doubt me for how long you're Gonna having a waving faith.

Grace: And I Grace, God's daughter rejoice in the Lord! 😊💖

Holy Spirit: I'm in the highest place amongst all. I am the great God, great in power in might and I'm spirit and if you have me let your enemies lose the fight against you.

(Grace's internal monologue)

Then the Lord zip Eli's mouth unabling him not to talk, 😌 *sigh sometime you got to learn to shut up and say thank you Lord when promises you greater things 😊💖


Hello Readers! my name is Grace and 😊💖💖💖 I'm currently preparing this prayer before the Eli's Uncle's funeral. 😗💕 its gonna be awesome of what God is doing.

My Beloved Wonderful Precious Almighty Holy Spirit who loves me much, Your plans for me are always good and wonderful. In my deapest weakness you are my greatest power and strength, I crucify myself and let your presence Live in my soul, spirit and body. Consume me with so much boldness like a lion like you and your Holy Fire of love even right now. Be a thick wall of fire around me, protect me your son Yandisa from evil men and anyone from the kingdom of darkness who will even think or plan of doing any harm, kill or deceive me. I dont know what to say, Give me the words to speak Lord as I shall preach right now to the people during the funeral what this people have done without calling out their names and tell them to repent! Repent! Repent! As you speak through me, send down fire to fall down to this men that shall eventally be 😊💖 convicted in their hearts and minds, eventually they shall tell the truth that they have the money and confess the truth, and they shall repent and ask forgiveness from you Almighty and let my beloved uncle be raised from the dead my Papa God as you speak through me, for my mouth is your mouth that shall cause his coffin to open😊💖 during the funeral in the natural, let no one stop your perfect will during the day of the funeral and even me your son, Yandisa, so speak and move through me in my natural body, use my hands and legs and possess and control all that I am Holy Spirit during that day at the funeral, it shall come to pass According to your perfect will and season, for its no longer I who live but you who reigns and live in my entire life. Just as you Have said Beloved Holy Spirit who loves me much, In Jesus Almighty name, Amen. 😊💖

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