Chapter 18 Part 4: Jesus Christ Worship House

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May 24, 2020 Intimate Conversation with Precious Holy Spirit who loves us much. Dont share this with others honey 😌 unless the Lord says so.

Grace: Precious Holy Spirit who loves us much, come Precious God who loves us much, we need you advice and what you think Abba God, for our plans to Jesus Christ Worship House International 😊 are ready to hear it Lord? In Jesus name, Amen.

Holy Spirit: It is a vision where you preach the word of God, you heal deliver people, console and comfort encourage and build good characters.

Holiness, faithfulness, clean and pure is what you needed, if you wana run with the vision..

Eli: It is not a self vision...
It is God's and for His people in order for them to be ready for the bride.
Grace: Can you give me a tagline Beloved Precious Holy Spirit who loves us much, for the Jesus Christ Worship House International, since its all yours Papa God :) we want it put it in a Youtube channel Lord so it can reach a lot of people.

Holy Spirit: Do not use Jesus Christ worship Now until it is established in the Philippines in the natural.

Success in Christ TV, you will use it when you already start house of worship.

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