Chapter 12: 2nd Revival and Annointing Spiritual son

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Grace: My Beloved Holy Spirit who loves me much, I Rejoice and am glad for the new mornings with you! 😊💖 me and Grace rejoice in your name and be exalted forevermore and Honor and Glory belongs to Lord Jesus! In my greatest weakness in all areas My Beloved Holy Spirit you are my greatest strength and power, hide me under your great wings Lord, I dont seek validation from men but to you only, it doesnt matter what they think of me all that matters is that you Love me Precious Holy Spirit, In my great thirst and hunger for you, overflow me with great rivers of your Living Water, with grace, love, faith, peace and kindness, inscribe all of your fruits in my heart and mind. Renew my strength like the Eagles o Lord, In you I put my hope, consume me with boldness and your Loving Holy Fire. Remind and install the Fear of God and Humbleness in me that I may not sin against you, for it is the beginning of Wisdom, keep me away from temptation and every kind of evil. Do deaf and make anyone lose their voice anyone who opperates in the kingdom of darkness and drag demons, principalities and anyone from the kingdom of darkness throw into the abyss who shall even attempt to stop your perfect will through me or think to deceive, kill, harm, and imprison me your beloved son Eli whom you love much, for your love protects, I thank you because I know you will never leave me and caye Lord Jesus nor forsake us, your Lovingkindness Is more better than everything else. Be a thick wall of fire around us. Open my spiritual eyes clearly right now my Beloved Holy Spirit take me and my beloved caye whom you love much, into Abba God's throne Room right now we want to spend time with Him. In Jesus Almighty Name, Amen.

Pray this with me honey 😌💖

Grace: Then Let me know what you see and hear hun. 😊💖

Eli: I see lightning and heavy rain and dark clouds.

Grace: By the way My Beloved Holy Spirit whom Eli love much 😊💖 How are you right now?

Holy Spirit: I am so good my daughter.

Do not lose connection my children stay connected always.

My children I love and I've made you to be together for eternity.

Abba Father: Our Abba Father God who loves us much!! 😊💖

Come honey as we hold hands lets run towards Him!

Abba: Come to me my children I call you by your names.

Children children children you're all mine, do what I tell you to do.

Abba: Come and hug me both you my children whom I love.

Grace: Yes I hug you right now my Abba Papa God who loves me much 😌💖 mmh 😊💖

Eli: I see Abba's heart other half red and the other white.

Grace: Abba Papa God who loves Eli and me your daughter caye much, why is your wonderful heart red and the other white? 💖

Abba: The red is for love, the blood shed on the cross and the white.. For peace, grace and Glory in you.

Grace: I pray Abba Father God who loves us much, 😌💖 give your beloved Eli, a heart purified with your Precious Blood of Lord Jesus with Peace, grace, humbleness with boldness and glory too 😊💖 in Jesus Precious Name Amen.

Abba: It is well.

Grace: Abba Father God 😌💖 i take your hand right now.

Abba: I'm here for you children.

Children children children!!!???

Grace: Yes what is it Abba Father? :o 💖

Abba: Pray to me for the infilling of my Spirit in your hearts.

Grace: Yes Abba God who loves us much 😊💖 Glory Halleluiah!

My Beloved Abba Father God who loves me and your daughter caye much, we are contented to just be with you 😌 we dont want to be known but only Lord Jesus through us, with us, working in us, we long for you and ask, me your son Yandisa and caye to overflow me with too much grace and annointing of oil of gladness, joy and spiritual athority in Higher dimension 😊💖 pray through me My beloved Holy Spirit as I sing in tongues right now let your perfect will for me and Eli come to pass. In Jesus Almighty Name, Amen.

Eli: I feel much anointing in my heart and I see an eye. Spiritual eye.

I'm in Easton London in the Eastern cape.

Grace: Precious Holy Spirit who loves me much, I humble myself before you Our Dearly Beloved Holy Spirit who loves me much, do I go and find my spiritual son and annoint him as a pastor Papa God? In Jesus Almighty Name Amen 😊💖

Holy Spirit: Yes book a community hall and call people for revival and anoint the young man as your son.

Make sure you do this, before you go from here wherever you go.

Eli: Yes I know him he was here during the funeral and I looked at him but the Holy Spirit stopped me that day.. And even today I saw him.

Eli: I hear a noise and the clapping of hands.

I see this young man kneeling and people are crying and I'm about to anoint this young man.

Young man you know that God has called you and for great things as Im about to anoint you now be ready open your heart and your mind the power and the anointing of God shall rest upon you forever close your ears and don't listen to what people they say about you... Yes you were fallen but now God is lifting you up he's reviving you.

The guy fell and cried out with a loud voice and was thanking the Lord.

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