What will happend if you Refuse or Neglect God's Word

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Lord Jesus said "Listen then to what the parable of the sower means: When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understandeth it not (It means you doesn't want to understand it or like you allow it to come into your ears but you don't give importance to it and you just let it come out from the other ear), THEN the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in their heart. This is the seed sown along the path.
Matthew 13:18‭-‬19

God Holy Spirit's Soverenity is this. Only when you deliberately purposefully don't want to understand God's Word, His Voice. Now God won't allow the devil to stop you from hearing Him, You can open your bible if you want to or you don't want to, its up to you...the Lord speaks and will tell you something you need to do, and its up to you if you listen/obey Him, no one forces you. The Devil cannot stop you from hearing God's Word in the Bible, your dreams, or in your inner man. That is something the Lord will not allow the devil to do. BUT if you receive God's Word, You hear God's Word, and you don't obey and you say "ahh thats his opinion, Or ahh its not important, that's just a word of mere man, what God says to me doesn't matter." If you deliberately have that kind of attitude, THEN Here comes the wicked one...and only THEN. When I understands this I got encourage that the devil doesn't just any how come and take away your priveledge of Hearing God's Word, when you have a hearing heart (You Shema the Lord which Shema means in Hebrew Listening/Obeying go hand and hand). But if you deliberately refuse to hear the Lord, THEN comes the wicked one comes to steal which was sown in your heart...I'm telling you when I realized the Word THEN, Halleluiah! for God's Soverenity! There are somethings the Lord laid out for the devil, its like the Lord saying to the devil: "You cannot stop my sons and my daughters from hearing My Word, My Voice, if they so choose, you cannot stop them from wanting to understand, listen/obey me, If they have a hearing heart. The Only time you can come into my sons and daughters or my people and take away the Word, God's Word, My Word in his/she's heart, is if he/she Deliberately! Purposefully! Refuse to Understand, to Shema (Listen/Obey), to Read my Word and Meditate what I said, THEN I allow you to take what's in his/her heart or the people's heart.

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