Chapter 18 Part 5: Be like Abraham Dream

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May 11, 2020

Eli: First it dream.. Then now that Im awake... The voice came go go go go go I say go to Philippine don't stay here your life is there, your wife is there your everything is there and my people are waiting for you move move move move don't sleep move go.. Go and take your wife in Luzon and start your ministry build an altar help my people go... Leave your children, your wife and your family leave then be like Abraham and don't worry what to eat wear and drink and the voice was repeating in my spirit and ears.

Grace: Yes! 😭💓 Come here my love! Come here! 💓💓 in the philippines!💓😭 Here in my mom's house where I live! 💓💕 you future is here, your beloved wife Grace is here who loves you much.

Eli: And I heard a Voice again like my grandma's voice says Eli hamba mntanam ubomi bakho bupha apho thatha intozakho nomfaziwKo upha.. Means Eli go my child and fetch your things and your wife is there.

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