Chapter 7 Part 2: America

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Grace: Beloved Holy Spirit, transport us all to America those who need to hear the gospel of Jesus. In Jesus name 😊💕🙌

Hello Everyone! Welcome to the Jesus Christ international Family! 🙌💕😊

Love from Grace, Eli and the Lord Jesus who loves you all too much! 😊💕

Ambassadors: They say you're such wonderful and amazing friends to us we thank the Holy Spirit.

Grace: Are angels there with you guys? 😊🙌💕

Yes billions of billions.

Grace: Holy Spirit, give us boldness and consume as with your Holy Fire. Give us the words to speak To preach the gospel of Jesus.

Also beloved Holy Spirit, may you kill and hurt those who will ever hurt us your family in Christ. In Jesus name, Amen.

Pray in tongues all of you! 😊💕🙌

Yes we arrived.

Okay :) just preach the gospel of Jesus.

Be bold children 😊💕🙌

Eli: Lucoster.

As we preach it interupt but the angels are dealing with it they are riding it with chains.

And there's someone on top of it he has a name of a man.. In his forehead there's a number 666 hes against the church of jesus.

Grace: Holy Spirit, as we proclaim the gospel of Jesus 😊💕 let all america hear us your Family. In Jesus name.

Pray in tongues 😊💕

Sing and dance!
Holy Spirit thank you for your love for us! You are our victory! Greater is you than he who is the man who had the mark of 666 in Jesus name...

Thankyou Jesus thank you Holy Spirit.

Grace: Kill Him Lord through our new worship to Jesus! Holy Spirit, give us a new melody as we sing! Fight for us! 💕😊

May our melody be our weapon speak through us Holy Spirit! 😊💕

In Jesus name!

Pray in tongues 😊💕

Are there people there? :)

Eli: Yes many people.

Grace: Kay Just be bold guys 😊💕

Let the love of the Holy Spirit guide you all!

But as we're given swords by the Lord to conquer this man, and as the angels of the Lord helping us against this Lucoster, this man as he about to die as he loses power we can see that he's releasing micro chips and some people are marked on their foreheads some on their hands they recieve a mark of a beast which 666 they call it Illuminati and people are not allowed to buy anything without these.

Some are choosing Jesus.

Yes bibles are falling and they recieve and thers also many crosses for those who believe in Jesus and the cross shows that they are sealed with the Holy Spirit.

Grace: Those who have receive the mark of the it too late for them? Holy Spirit? :'(

If it is too late for them...pray this to the Lord.

Beloved Holy Spirit, kill those who receive the mark on their forheads 666 to be slain as your children of Jesus Chirst preach the gospel, let no one Harm your Jesus name.

Continue pray in tongues....BE BOLD

Holy Spirit: It is not too late if my people who are called buy my name confess their sins before me I will forgive and heal their land... Remember the devil did not create anyone here so who shall come to me and confess I am here to forgive.. But there are those who are rebellious and I know them by names they do not want to here anything about this gospel they say we OK with the mark on f the beast.. And those I will send them to hell.

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