Chapter 9: Stick, Bible and Oil

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My beloved Holy Spirit who loves us much, we humble ourselves before our Glorious God, Take me your beloved son and my beloved caye on the beach 😊💖 were me and her Lord, in the spiritual world right now, in Jesus name, Amen.

Pray this with me in the natural and spiritual honey 😌💖

Eli: I see our ancestors who died long ago.

the wind blows wherever want and do those who are lead by the Spirit.

They ate, real people.

They with different garments and works.. Some witch doctored some herbalists and some prophets.

Grace: My Beloved Holy Spirit who loves us much, we dont know anything Lord, do tell us about them our ancestors Our Beloved Holy Spirit, why you showing them to us?. In Jesus name 😊💖

Holy Spirit: They ate, still alive and they are guiding you and they protect you by the will of my father God... But do not worship them for they are not your God.

And somethings make sure you do not preach what is not in the bible for it is your secret with your father for your calling alone and for your spirituality growth power and dominion.

My mind is greater than a human mind you will never know everthing you will know things as time goes by and as you abide in me.

The spirits of your family's are in you.

That's why you are so powerful and never defeted you're with Kings in you... And remember it's my will.

The spirits of your fore fathers are in you that's why you're giants... They walk with you they stand with you... Remember I allow this.

And you have a power to turn back to Jesus now that you don't see them in the natural no that they do not block your way... Sometimes you ask them to let go of religion and release you to the kingdom of Christ jesus.

Thank you Holy Spirit for this revelation I don't know everthing.

Holy Spirit: It is good for you to listen.

Do you believe in them my children. ??and remember there levels and are different new mercies everyday.

I'm big and I have many ways which people will not be able to know or understand them all.. I am God the Alfa and the omega the everlasting king in Jehovah the God of the old times and now times.

Holy Spirit: Your ancestors are alive and they watching you and they care of you do not forget them.. Remember this is my will they are not demons but remember you do not slaughter for them because Christ Jesus blood alone is enough... Remember you do not preach some things as I said.

As a Prophet you need to be so deep in worship seek more of me and you will find more of me and I will tell and show you great and powerful things of the kingdom.

A Prophet is unlike pastors and apostles a Prophet is a God in earth.

The greatest weapon ever that can help you to go deeper and grow is to have an intimacy with me everyday.

As there are different kingdoms and people's on the planet earth and is so in the Sea World.

Not everything there is about witch craft.

Eli: The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth honey he will never lie I believe in everthing that he just tell us here that it's true... Don't doubt him honey there is no need for us to understand everthing.

Holy Spirit: I am your God wow I rest on your shoulders my children allow me to enter in you.

Grace: My Beloved Wonderful Precious Almighty full of wisdom Holy Spirit who loves me much, Your plans for me are always good and wonderful. I repent to you Lord Jesus from sin known and unknown, wash and cover me with your Precious blood, thank you Lord Jesus for the gift of righteousness, In my deapest weakness you are my greatest power and strength, I crucify myself and let your presence Live in my soul, spirit and body. I am so thristy and hungry for you, Overflow me with your living water, your too much grace, love, hope and faith. Consume everything that I am with boldness and Holy Fire. Keep me out from every kind of temptation, I hide myself behind your Presence and rest abundantly as you hide me there and I let you do all the work through me, Consume me with so much boldness like a lion like you and your Holy Fire of love at the day of the funeral and even right now. Be a thick wall of fire around me, protect me your son Yandisa from evil men and anyone from the kingdom of darkness, who will even think or plan of doing any harm, kill, deceive or even try to imprison me for every single day Starting right now, Cause anyone from the kingdom of darkness to forget their memory of me and as they shall see me they see you only Lord Jesus, keep me out of all troubles and every kind of temptations in you I shall trust. as I speak Lord something is about to explode of a fresh new revival such as the world has not seen before 😊as you reign through me and with me, Let your High Ranking Angels who shall guard and protect me and with Angels playing their heavenly instrument who shall worship you Lord Jesus, surrounding and encircle me this entire day right now in the natural. Do whatever you wanted to do Lord, when you use my natural body, walk in me, look through me, speak through me, prophecy through me, heal and deliver Your people through me, whatever you want for this entire week starting now Lord Jesus, move in the rhythm of your grace and Papa God as you speak through me for this entire day, for my mouth is your mouth that shall cause hearts and minds of the people to repent and give their lives to you Lord Jesus, that would change their lives forever😊💖 in the natural, let no one stop your perfect will during this day and even me your son, Yandisa, so speak and move through me in my natural body, use my hands and legs and possess and control all that I am Holy Spirit during this day, it shall come to pass According to your perfect will and season, for its no longer I who live but you who reigns and live in my entire life. Let Too much signs and wonders Follow me, help me bear more fruit Holy Spirit and grow deeo roots and for you Lord who anoints me too much, for my name is Yandisa whom Lord Jesus loves means to expand according to your perfect will and season my Beloved Holy Spirit. Just as you Have said My Beloved Holy Spirit who loves me much, let this prayer shall not fall from the ground here in the spiritual and natural, it shall come to pass. In Jesus Almighty name, Amen. 😊💖

Eli: I see a big Bible being realesed out of see waters I see a stick.

I see a hand in the Sea giving to me a Bible a big one and I hear a word go go go.

Holy Spirit: This is a real Bible for the word and the hand is of Eli's uncle he is releasing Eli to go and do the will.. By the time he was on earth he was blocking the way because he believed in ancestaral worship like slaughtering and doing alcoholic ceremonies for the ancestors.

You remember Eli one apostle In. 2016 told you that your mothers side is the one delaying you.

The absence of your uncle in the natural Is for your dominion success and power you shall rule Now, take over recieve.

Remember son your uncle is the first born in the house of Mfulanas and you're the last born infact a grandchild on this house now you're Going on top of your brothers and sisters even your mother they depend on you take over and rule now you're the first born of the family.

Take a stick Bible and oil and go.

Your ancestors will no longer block your way even those who were witchdoctors they let go of you they are under your control Bible Bible Bible the word the word of God of God Jesus jesus Jesus the blood blood blood cross cross cross covenant covenant covenant spiritual spiritual spiritual anointing anointing anointing ordination ordination released realesed release released territorial territorial teritorial commander commander commander in chief general general general.

Grace: Stick and bible Lord? 😌💖

Holy Spirit: Whenever and wherever he goes he must Carrie a stick like Moses and Bible and an oil.

Grace: Is he gonna make a stick Abba? :) 💖 I mean carved one? 😅

Holy Spirit: There is a stick in the house he must use it for now the. As time goes by he will get one.

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