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The film finished so I decided to go to the kitchen to see Hyun-wu making something. I tiptoed over closer to him quietly then went on my toes trying to look over his shoulder to see what he was making. "Hey Y/n." I jumped backwards and then I heard a chuckle. He turned off the stove then turned around to look at me. "How did you know I was there?" "I heard you" he shrugged. I blinked a couple of times then he ruffled my hair causing me to pout. He smiled then said, "Sit down I'll give you some food." I did what he said and sat down, hiding my face in my arms which were on the table. A few moments Hyun-wu came with the food and settled it down. He sat down and pulled out his phone and I just stared at him. He seemed to notice so he looked up at me and titled his head to the side slightly, so I did too. He chuckled and asked, "What is it?" "Aren't you going to eat?" "I already ate after Ji-hun left. The boy barely eats." He shaked his head then payed his attention back to his phone. Interesting phone it must be. I ate a bit of the food but then my stomach started to hurt badly. Man I hate heats... "I don't think I can eat anymore..." "Why, are you ok?" "Just a stomach ache..." "Ah, ok, go and relax then, I'll clean up." "...Are you sure? I don't want to be a burd-" "Hey, it's ok. Go rest up." I nodded then went back to the room I was staying in and layed down. I wrapped my arms around my body and wrapped my tail around my leg, feeling a bit cold. After a couple of minutes I heard a knock at the door and a "can I come in?" I didn't have any energy to answer so Hyun-wu just walked in. A few seconds later he was at my side. "You ok? Are you feeling cold?" I nodded and he sighed. He put the blanket over me then sat down next to me on the bed. It was silent for a moment then Hyun-wu turned to look at me. "Umm... you're probably gonna stay here for a while... so don't feel like you're a burden. It's kinda lonely here anyways" he smiled at me. "Do you stay home all home?" "Pretty much" he sighed. "I um... have a personal problem so I can't really go out... Ji-hun buys all the groceries. I nodded then furrowed my eyebrows." Why do and Ji-hun always seem to be wearing some sort of hat? "I pointed at his beanie. "Hm, I don't know. Just comfortable I guess" he shrugged. "By the way... aren't you more comfortable in hybrid form?" "Yeah... but I don't want to here... I don't want to-" "Hey, go ahead if it makes you more comfortable. I won't judge." He stared at me then I cleared my throat. "Oh... should I not watch?" He chuckled then covered his eyes with his hands. "Go on." I smiled then turned into my hybrid form. Hyun-wu opened his eyes and smiled, and I went into a ball on his lap. He stroked my fur gently as I purred softly, and I started to feel sleepy, so I let myself fall asleep.


I finished work and I went to the grocery shop before heading home. I put the grocery bag on the kitchen table and then I saw Jin walking in the room. "Hi hyung, is Y/n ok?" "Yup, she's asleep in her hybrid form. She looks so cute oh my god, she's-" he stopped talking when I raised an eyebrow at him then I chuckled. "Um, have you eaten?" "I had lunch." "Jungkook, you need to eat more" he whined. "I'm fine though" I groaned. He sighed then asked, "What I order some pizza?" My eyes immediately lit up. "Really?! You're not lying?" He rolled his eyes then said, "Washup or whatever then come, I'll order some." "Thanks hyung!" I hugged him tightly and ran off to my room to change into something more comfortable.
After changing, I went to Y/n's room to check on her. I knocked on the door but she didn't answer so I just walked in. I walked over to the bed and saw her curled up under the covers on the bed, and I awed at the sight, stopping slightly after hearing a soft whimper. I lifted her up to put her on my lap but she scrawled away, scratching my hand in the process. I owed and she looked straight at me, meowing sadly and coming to my side as if trying to comfort me. I smiled slightly and stroked her fur gently, and she purred moving over to settle down on my lap. "Y/n... I bought you some heat pills just now..." She looked up at me and I stared into her cute cat eyes, noticing the pain deep in her eyes. "Turn into a human again and take them, ok? You can turn back after." I gently put her back on the bed and stood up. "I'll leave so you can change back." I left the room and closed the door, then I saw Jin waving me over. I nodded and waited a few seconds then the door opened to reveal Y/n in her human form. "How are you feeling?" I smiled slightly. She didn't say anything but just looked down so I sighed and held her hand gently whilst I led her to the living room. I sat her down and gave her the heat pills then we ate the pizza. After that, I was exhausted but Y/n was keeping me awake. I was worried about her. "Y/n." She looked at me slowly and I looked into her eyes. She looked really weak and it hurt my heart. I intertwined my hand with hers and rested them on my thigh. "You'll get better, ok? Just hold on for a bit, then you'll be back to normal." She nodded weakly then I asked, "Are you sleepy?" She nodded again so I gently leaned her head against my shoulder and said, "Go to sleep then." She shifted around about, probably to get comfortable, and after a while fell asleep. That put me at ease a little, so I let myself fall asleep too.

A hybrid in hidingWhere stories live. Discover now