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I walked of my room after showering and went to the kitchen. I took a bottle of water from the fridge then closed it, and jumped when I saw Jin. He was smirking at me. "W...why do you have to scare me like that?" His smirk widened. "...Why are you smirking at me like that?" "You were very loud last night, you know." I widened my eyes and pushed him away. "Y... yah, you're meant to be worried about me" "Yeah, yeah, I knew you'd be ok" he forcefully pulled me into a hug and I squirmed trying to get away. "Jin hyunggg" I whined. He chuckled and patted my back, me still groaning. "I'm glad you're ok" he pulled back and patted my shoulder and I looked at him with an annoyed face. Just then Y/n walked in the room and I widened my eyes, running past Jin and grabbing her hand, running away. I pulled her into a room and closed the door, letting out a sigh of relief. "...What happened?" I then realised that I dragged her all the way here without saying anything. "Right. Umm, nothing..." "Tell meee" "Argh, it's just Jin." "Oh ok" she sighed and wrapped her arms around my waist, digging her face into my chest. I smiled and hugged her back, kissing the top of her head. "Oh" she leaned back her arms still around me and looked at me before saying, "I haven't seen you in your hybrid form yet." "Oh yeah, you wanna see?" "Yeah!!" I smiled and turned into my bunny hybrid form, and Y/n awwed picking me up. "YoU'rE sO fLoOfY" she put me down and turned into her hybrid form. She hit me with her paw and I whimpered getting away from her. She started chasing me and I somehow managed to open the door after jumping off a billion things including Y/n's hybrid form. I hopped all the way to the living room and hid behind Jin's leg when he stood up. "What's going on?" he laughed when he saw Y/n trying to get to me. He picked me up and I squirmed away hopping off onto the floor and turning into my human form. I crossed my arms and glared down and Y/n, and she tried to get away but I caught her. She tried scratching me but I moved my hand away. "Yah, turn backk" She stopped moving and I let her go, and she turned back into her human form. "I didn't turn into my hybrid form so you could chase me down" I complained. She pouted and stood up, trying to hug me but I backed away. "Don't try that on me, you could've hurt me" "I was only playing, I'm sorryyy" she tried hugging me and I eventually gave up, giving in. "You guys are so cute" We turned our heads to see Jin smiling at us like a proud mother. "Thanks eomma" I rolled my eyes playfully. "Jinnie!" Y/n suddenly pulled back and ran over jumping onto the couch. "Can you show me your hybrid form?" I sat down, back hugging Y/n saying, "Why? You wanna chase him too?" Jin chuckled and said, "It would be the other way around" he smirked winking at me and turned into his wolf form. Y/n gasped and turned around, hiding her face in my chest and hugging me as if her life depended on it. "He's scaryyy" I laughed and Jin turned back into his human form smirking. "Yah you scared my girlfriend, how dare you?!" He widened his eyes at what I said and I smirked. I pulled back and kissed Y/n in front of Jin, and he seemed to get mad, hehe. "YAH! Do you wanna rub my non existent love life right in my face?!" Y/n pushed me away by my chest with widened eyes, and I chuckled looking up at Jin who was stomping off dramatically. Y/n groaned and pushed me again. "Why did you do that?" she whined. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her to sit on my lap. I leaned in closer to her ear and whispered, "To show what's mine." She widened her already widened eyes even more and I smirked, leaning back slightly to connect our lips together. I sped up the kiss quickly holding onto her waist firmly but then I felt a pain on my head and I pulled back realising what was happening. "WTF WHY ARE YOU HITTING ME WITH A FLIPPING SLIPPER?!" Jin smacked my face this time and I owwed. "STOP MAKING OUT ON MY FREAKING COUCH!" "WE LIVE HERE TOO!" "THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN PRETEND I'M NOT HERE AND DO UNHOLY THINGS ON OUR SHARED COUCH!" Y/n just rolled her eyes and got off my lap before smacking my head too and leaving. I rubbed my head with a pout. "Why does everyone keep hitting my poor head?" Jin hit my face and I glared at him. "What it's not your head" he shrugged and walked off but I wouldn't let him go that easily. "CoMe bAcK hErE yOu!" I jumped off the couch and tackled him in a headlock, and he yelled. "...Yah, get off right now or you'll regret it" "Try me" He turned into his wolf form and I turned Jungshook when he jump attacked me, sending me to the floor. "ARFH OKAY JIN HYUNG I'M SORRY PLZ DON'T KILL MEH" He jumped off after a few seconds, turning into his human form and dusting off his hands. "That's what you get bunny" I growled, and he left the room smirking. I groaned and got up, going to my room and flopping on my bed face down.
Half an hour later, Jin slammed the door open, making me flinch and sit up. "GREAT NEWS!" "...What?" "THOSE GUYS HAVE BEEN ARRESTED!" "YOO WHAAT?!" "YEH BROO, THEY WERE CAUGHT ABUSING A HYBRID AND THEYRE PROBS GONNA GET LIFE IMPRISONMENT!" "YEAHH!!" I jumped off and high-fived him, running out and busting into Y/n's room. She jumped wide eyed and I ran over, jumping ontop of her in a hug. She 'oofed' as we fell back on the bed, and I leaned back smiling. "Those guys have been arrested, I don't have to worry anymore!" "OMG REALLY?!" "YEAH!" She smiled and hugged me, and I hugged her back. After a minute Y/n said, "You're kinda crushing me here, so can you... get up please?" "...Ah" I got off her quickly and Y/n sat up, freezing as she looked past me. I turned around slowly and saw Jin staring at us, with one of his eyes twitching. "...Crap not again..." "YOU!" He jumped on me making me fall back on the bed on top of Y/n. "YAH!" me and Y/n both screamed, but Jin ignored us and- pulled us both into a hug. "O... oh... I thought you were gonna kill us..." "It ain't the couch" he laughed. I sighed out in relief and Y/n squirmed out of the hug as she was basically being crushed. "Everything's perfect now" I smiled.

A hybrid in hidingWhere stories live. Discover now