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I went to check on Jungkook and Y/n and awwed at the sight in front of me. Y/n was leaning on Jungkook's shoulder and they were both asleep. I then suddenly smirked. I went over and carefully lifted Y/n's head and placed it on Jungkook's lap facing him. Y/n squirmed around a bit due to the sudden position change and wrapped her arms around Jungkook's waist. I then stepped back and smiled widely putting my hands on my hips in achievement. I mean- I'm just 'repositioning' them, because Y/n must be uncomfortable. Yes, that's it. I left them going to my room.


I woke up to my alarm going off and I groaned reaching out to get it, but I was blocked by something... or someone. My eyes flickered open and I froze. Y/n's face was basically squished against my stomach and her head was resting on my thigh, her arms wrapped around my waist. My cheeks went a bright red and I called her name to wake her up. "Mmmm whatt" "Umm... Y/n wake up" She groaned then opened her eyes and jerked backwards. "W... what... sorry I-" "It's ok, calm down." I finally turned off my annoying ringing alarm then asked, "Are you feeling better?" "Yeah... I think I can go to work now!" she said happily. I smiled but then looked at her concerned. "Are you sure you'll be ok all day? She nodded and stood up and happily skipped off to her room and I smiled at the cute sight.
But... how tf did we get into that position... I widened my eyes in betrayal. I ran to the kitchen and yelled, "HYUNG!" Jin looked over at me with a smirk but it faded when he saw me glaring at him. "O... Oh, h... hey I gotta go and-" I grabbed his arm and he widened his eyes. "You're gonna pay for that" "Yeah I don't know what you're talking about" he chuckled nervously. "Oh really, hmm?" I went closer to his face and he looked away. I rolled my eyes and let his arm go, walking over to the fridge for a glass of water. "Y/n's gonna go to work with me today" I said to break the awkward atmosphere. "Really? Will she be ok?" "She said she will" I sighed. "Take some heat pills with you in case." "Yeah" Y/n then skipped into the room and back hugged Jin, causing the both of us to smile at her. "You feeling ok now?" Jin asked. "Yup" she let go of Jin and went into the living room still happily and Jin chuckled. "She must be excited to go to work" he said. "Well, it's her first time" I said then went to my room.
I got changed then went to the kitchen and we all ate breakfast, then me and Y/n got ready to leave. We were about to step out when Y/n tugged my sleeve gently. I turned to look at her then she asked, "Do you have a hat I could use...?" I noticed that her tail wasn't visible, she probably had it tucked around her waist. "I... I know people already know I'm a hybrid but I'm still a little uncomfortable..." "That's ok, wait her ok?" I smiled at her then went to my room and picked out a hat for her, going back afterwards. "Here you go" I handed it over to her. "Thank you" she said, taking it and putting it on. "You ready to go?" She nodded and I smiled, holding her hand whilst going out to my car.


We arrived at Sung Industries and I was extremely nervous. Before I was excited that I finally had a job to work at but now I was nervous that I would be discrimated against at the workplace. Ji-hun must have noticed me nervous as he intertwined our hands together, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. I smiled slightly then we walked in, and eyes were immediately focused on me. I tightened my grip on Ji-hun's hand and looked down as walked over to the elevator. The door closed and I let out a breath that I didn't even realising I was holding in. It was silent for a moment then Ji-hun said, "It'll be ok." I looked at him and he said, "Don't worry about what others think of you, they're judging you when they don't even know you." He looked at me and smiled slightly then said, "They'll get to know what a great person you are. And, if anyone dares to hurt or use you, tell me straight away, ok?" I nodded smiling slightly and we stared into each others eyes before a loud DING was heard. The doors to the elevator opened and we walked out and over towards an office with a desk near it." Sit there, just get comfortable with everything today, ok? "Ok." He smiled a final time before going into the office and closing the door behind him.


"Y/n" I looked up and smiled when I saw Ji-hun. "Let's go to lunch" he said. I nodded then stood up and followed him. But instead of going to the cafeteria, he lead me out of the building. "Aren't we going to eat? Where are we going?" Jungkook sighed and turned to face me. "I dotn want people staring at you, you'll get uncomfortable. Let's just eat out." "...Ah...ok." He held my hand and we went to nearby fast food restaurant. "One large chicken nuggets, a portion of fries and a medium fried chicken. I looked at Ji-hun with a raised eyebrow and he pouted when he saw me looking at him like that." Whatt? I like chicken nuggets and fried chicken." I chuckled and looked down. We sat down and after a few minutes the food was ready so we ate. "Oh my god this is sooo good" "I know right!" Ji-hun smiled. "I've never tried this before you know..." He looked at me shocked. "Have you never eaten at a fast food place before?" I shook my head and his face changed to a sad one. I didn't like the upsetting atmosphere so I smiled and said, "but I'm glad I've tried it now, the food is really good! Thank you, Ji-hun!" I then carried on eating.


It hurt me that she was happy having something that people get so often. What else has she never experienced then...? There must be a lot of things. We finished off eating then head back to work, but Y/n stopped me before we head over to the elevator. "Umm... where's the restroom? I really need to go" "Oh, come on I'll show you where it is." I led her to the bathroom then waited outside whilst she went in.


I used the toilet then washed my hands. I was drying then when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw two young women in front of me. One of them snatched my hat off my head and scoffed. "It is you" She pushed me back by shoulders and said, "How dare you get a job at this place? How dare you stay by CEO Ji-hun's side like that, you freak." I let out a small whimper and looked down, then she pulled me by the collar closer to her face. "You need to leave this place as soon as possible, you got that?!" She was about to hit me when we heard Ji-hun's voice from outside the restroom. "Y/n, you ok?!" I took the chance to push away her hand and run out. "Y/n, are you ok?!" he asked panicked. "L... let's go-" He grabbed my arm before I could run off and pulled me back. "What happened?" "N... nothing let's go now-" He covered my mouth with his hand then leaned closer and whispered, "Just follow me and stay there, ok?" I looked into his eyes then he grabbed my hand and led me to the elevator. "Go up, I'll deal with them." "T... them..?" "I heard it all." He pressed the button for the elevator then walked off before I could say anything.


I went back to the restroom and waited outside, leaning against the wall with my arms crossed. After a whole two young women walked out and were startled when they saw me. I looked at them without bothering to push myself off the wall. "What were you doing there?" "Umm... doing our business..." I scoffed then said, "I mean what did you say to the new secretary Y/n?" They widened their eyes and I glared at them. "You know I can easily fire you? So how about you focus on your work and mind your own damn business." I pushed myself off the wall and looked at them expecting an answer. "Y... yes sir..." "Good, because if I catch you again you're done for." They nodded slowly and I left without another word. I'm not going to let Y/n be bullied like that. She doesn't deserve it, so I'm going to protect her from it.

A hybrid in hidingWhere stories live. Discover now