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I'm not going to follow the rules of everything on human hybrids, I'm going to change them slightly. Not too much, though.


"I'm sorry, we don't accept hybrids here" the woman told me expressionlessly. I nodded my head and dragged my little feet out of the building, with my ears bobbed low. I was a hybrid. Cursed to live as one, one out of five in the world. There used to be so many, hundreds, even. But people don't treat them right. Abused, mistreated, no respect was given. And there comes me. I was abandoned when I was a child, and I have lived on the streets ever since. I'm 19 now, but I'm still getting no where.
I walked through the streets when it started to rain. My ears twitched up and I wrapped my tail around my waist, starting to run wherever my little feet would take me. I ended up running into a random building as the rain got heavier and heavier. I panted trying to catch my breath and I looked around trying to recognize where I was. Oh god. I'm in Sung Industries right now.
I was about to leave when I saw a notice sign. Secretary for CEO needed. I looked down at my feet wondering if I should apply or not. I would most likely get rejected... but I might as well give it a shot. I slowly made my way over to the reception desk and a lady in her 30s looked up at me. When she saw my ears her face changed into disgust and she looked down straight away. "Umm... I saw on the notice sign that you needed a secretary..." "We don't hire to hybrids" was all she said. I looked down tears threatingly willing to fall from my eyes. Why can't I get a job... or a home... why do people hate me so much? I turned my heels and slowly walked towards the exit of the building, not caring that it was raining heavily out.


I was walking down the stairs ready to leave for the day when I saw someone by the reception desk. I couldn't hear what they were saying but the girl looked upset. She suddenly turned around and walked away slowly, when something caught my eye. Is that... a tail...? I walked over to the desk and asked the receptionist, "Who was that?" She looked up at me and asked, "Who?" "Her" I pointed at the girl walking out. "Oh... a hybrid. Trying to get a job" she scoffed. I clenched my fists and bit my lip trying to control my anger. "Why didn't you give her a job? Was she looking to get the job as a secretary? I really need one." "She's a hybrid though, why should I give her the job?" "Did you even check into her details and stuff? Or just send her away because she's a hybrid?" She blinked a couple of times confused by my behaviour but I couldn't give a crap about her. "Give her the job" I said lowly in an intimidating voice. "B... but she went out..." "Then go and get her back." She just sat there staring at me so I rolled my eyes. Do I have to do everything by myself?
I rushed out of the building and looked around for that girl. It was a bit hard to see as it was raining heavily but eventually I made out a figure sitting under a tree, head in her knees... crying I think...? I went over to her and immediately yelled, "Yah what are you doing out in this weather? It's raining so hard!" She didn't look up so I sighed and put my jacket over her head so she wouldn't get too wet. "It was you right... You need a job?" She slowly lifted her head up to look at me and I noticed that her cheeks were flushed a light red and her eyes were quite big. It was... cute. "Y...yes...why...?" "I'm the CEO of the company, I really need a secretary, you'll be ok being one, right?" She blinked a couple of times then nodded confused. "Great, now come back inside. It's raining really heavily." She nodded and got to her feet, and I had to look down completely to see her face. Well, hybrids are really short, most are around 4 foot, but males are the same height.
We went back inside the building and I went to the reception desk and tapped it to get the woman's attention. She snapped her head up and glared at the girl next to me for a second before looking back at me. I rolled my eyes annoyed and asked, "Where are the registration forms?" "Umm..." She handed some papers over to me and I looked at it before saying, "Pay more attention to your attitude, I have the power to fire you, remember?" I didn't bother waiting for her response as I held her arm gently and took her to the third floor into my office.


Ji-hun led me to third floor, and to what I was assuming was his... office...? He opened the door and shut it behind us, and I took the chance to look around the room. The room had a big window as one of the walls, providing a beautiful view of the city. Well, it was hard to see now as it was raining but I was sure that the view would be amazing. The floor and walls were a simple plain white, and the lights were a nice, bright white which nicely covered the whole room with light. There were two desks, one big one near the end of the room and a smaller one near the door. One for the CEO, and one for the secretary, I guessed.
"I'm sorry about before, I don't get why most people hate hybrids. It's unfair." I looked up at him for a second then looked back down. I didn't know if I could trust him. Was he just messing with me...? "Are you ok?" he asked. I nodded briefly. He sighed and put his hands on my shoulders so I would look a up at him. Wait... why is he wearing a hat indoors? "Do you trust me?" he asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I... I'm not sure..." "Trust me, ok? I genuinely want to help you." "H... help me...?" I asked as my ears went up. "Yes, help you." He smiled slightly but you didn't know if you should smile back or not. "Look, don't worry about what others say. Some people don't care one bit and I don't even know how they think they have a heart. You're different, live it. Ok?" I nodded and looked down and pouted slightly.


She looked down and pouted. It would be a lie if I didn't find it cute. I wondered whether I should her that I'm a hybrid... but I'd better wait a bit to see if I can fully gain her trust. I'm known as Sung Ji-hun after all, and people would hate a CEO with a fake identity to hide themselves as a hybrid.
"So... do you want the job...?" She looked up slowly to meet my eyes then asked, "Are you not joking with me...?" "Of course not, I wouldn't." I handed her the papers with a slight smile on my face to make myself look a bit more friendly. She hesitantly took and sat down and filled everything in. After five minutes she was finished then she handed me the papers. "You can start working tomorrow, is that ok with you?" "Yes." "Ok." I stood up and said, "Let's go." We went back to the bottom floor and because it was getting late everyone was there already heading out. And that's when all eyes turned to us. Or, more like at Y/n (Jungkook knows her name after she signed the papers). I sighed annoyed and held onto Y/n's arm gently and took her out, hearing some whispers behind us because of my ability to hear literally anything. It was raining really heavily so I quickly ran over to my car dragging Y/n with me. I pulled her inside the car then got in myself and closed the door. "Where do you live? I'll drive you home." "Umm... you don't have to..." "Look at the weather, I'm not letting you out like that by yourself." She sighed and said, "It's really fine..." "It's not fine, come on. Just tell me where you live." She bit her lip then whispered, "I don't live anywhere..." I widened my eyes in shock. "You don't have a home?" "N... no... I was abandoned as a child..." I sighed then started the engine and started the car. "W... where are we going?" "You're coming to my house."

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