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"Eomma!! NOOO!!" I cried kicking my legs violently but the guys had me pinned down. "STOP IT! LEAVE HIM ALONE HE'S ONLY 10!" my brother, Seokjin, called out. "Ha! As if we care!" They punched him in the face, causing him to pass out. "NO!! HYUNG!!" "Shut it!" I got kicked in the stomach and I cried out in pain. I was dragged into a van by my bunny 2ears and it hurt like hell. "Please" I cried out loudly, "It hurtsss" "I don't care." I was pushed next to my hyung and I cried out in pain. I flinched as the door to the van slammed shut and everything went dark. The only think I could do was feel my hyung next to me, so I grabbed onto him and cried my heart out.
"Jungkook!! Jungkook!!" I let out a sob and opened my eyes slowly to meet Jin's eyes. "H...hyung..." I bursted out crying and I threw my arms around Jin hugging him tightly. "Hey, it's ok, it's ok..." "W...will they ever stop hyung?" "I don't know" Jin answered truthfully. "H... hyung." Jin pulled back to look at me and I looked into his eyes before saying, "I think Y/n is having the same problem as me... she had a nightmare yesterday." Jin looked down and sighed, then I asked, "What's the time?" "It's 4 in the morning." I sighed and sat up, then Jin asked, "So you're gonna keep on a hat day and night now?" "I'll have to..." "She might still find out by accident, you know." "I know" I sighed and got off from the bed and grabbed some clothes to get ready. "Do you wanna eat now or later?" "Later" I answered before going into the bathroom.
After showering, I went to check up on Y/n. I peeked through the open door and I heard some sniffles. I opened the door slowly and it creaked a little, and Y/n froze. "Are you ok?" I asked, slowly making my way over towards the bed. She didn't say anything which made me more worried. "Hey..." I sat down on the bed and looked at her, and she just had her eyes closed. "I'm fine..." she muttered. "You don't seem fine. Are you sick?" I put the back of my hand on her forehead to check her temperature, and it was really hot. "You're burning up!" "I know..." "You knew? Why didn't you tell me?!" "It happens... I'm on my heat..." It was silent for a moment then she asked, "Do you know what that means?" "Yeah I do" I sighed then asked, "But why are you burning up like that? It's not as if you get sick from it, right?" "I've been out on the streets all this time though, that's why..." "Oh... well, stay here. I'll get you some water and stuff. Don't go to work for now." She didn't say anything so I just went to the kitchen to grab some water and other things for Y/n. After that I went back to her room and I gave her the stuff. "Thank you..." she said, barely audible but I could hear because of my good hearing as a hybrid. "It's ok... don't worry about anything for now, ok? Just focus on getting better." She nodded then looked down then I remembered. "Do you want me to get you some heat pills?" I asked her. She looked shocked for a second then asked, "How do you know about those?" I shrugged then sat down on the edge of the bed. I have time to waste so I might as well talk. "How much sleep did you get?" "Not much..." It went quiet after that and it was quite awkward, neither one of us didn't know what to say. "Why do you care about me so much...?" she finally asked. I looked into her eyes and they were filled with sadness. I sighed and said, "You know, most people hate hybrids with all their heart..." I ran my hand through her hair and she flinched when my hand touched her ear. "Sorry..." I pulled back my hand then said, "But some don't. There are those few people... Who don't understand all this hate and this cruel world..." I looked down and said, "I'm one of those people." I'm not one those 'people', I'm a hybrid. But I can't tell her that... not yet anyways. I sighed and looked back at her and she was staring deep into my eyes. "There's something different about you..." she said. "Huh?" I titled my head to the side and she widened her eyes. "Um nothing... gosh did I say that out loud..." she whispered the last part. I chuckled lightly then faced the other way, leaning backwards slightly as I rested my hands on the bed. "What's the time by the way?" she asked. "It's about half past 4." "Oh... that's early... what time are you going?" "In about 2 hours. Got a lot to do today" I sighed. "Oh yeah... You don't have a phone. Shall we go and get some stuff tomorrow?" "What?" she sounded surprised. "You need stuff. Clothes, a phone, and other stuff too." "Y...you're letting me?" "Of course, I don't want you to suffer" I chuckled. "You know what? You wanna watch a film?" "...A film?" "Yeah. I have a cinema room." "A... what?" I remembered that she wouldn't really know much about the world, she was living on the streets for most of life. "You'll see. Are you ok to get up now?" "...Yeah I'll be ok." "I'll get you some of my clothes then. Hold on." I went to my room and grabbed a hoodie and some comfortable trousers. Then, I went back to Y/n's room and she went to the bathroom to get ready. I did her bed and sat down on my phone waiting for her to come out. After she came out, I led her to the cinema room and her jaw dropped. I smiled and then observed her ears going up and her tail swinging from side to side. "Woahhhh this is amazing!" I chucked and grabbed her hand and led her to sit down. I grabbed the remote and turned the big screen on, before turning to Y/n. "What kind of stuff are you into?" She shrugged then I furrowed my eyebrows. "Hmmm... how about we watch Iron Man?" "Iron Man?" "Yes, it's the bestttt." "Oki then." I squealed in excitement and put on the movie, noticing the curious way Y/n looked at me from the corner of my eyes. Halfway through the film I realised that I had to go and I groaned. Y/n looked at me then I said, "I have to go now. I'll tell Hyun-wu to cook something." She nodded then I stood up and said, "You can watch more if you want, just call Hyun-wu if something's wrong." She nodded again then turned back to watching the movie, and I left.

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