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"I... it's my real name" I stared at him in shock, just confused. "Your... real name?" He nodded still looking down and I just stared at him. He eventually looked up slowly to meet my eyes then he said, "It's my real name. Ji-hun is just a c... cover u... up..." He let out a sob as a tear rolled down his cheek and I wiped it away with my thumb as I looked into his eyes. "Cover up for what?" I asked gently, not wanting to push him. "I... in the past me and my hyung were abused... s... so we used fake names and hid our identity..." He started sobbing so I pulled him into a hug resting my head on top of his shoulder. "S... sorry I couldn't tell you sooner... I was s... scared to let the secret out even though it was you" "It's ok, I understand" It went quiet and I let him calm down before leaving back and saying, "So, Jungkook huh? Should I call you that or Ji-hun?" "Either... but in public call me Ji-hun." I nodded then asked, "What's Hyun-wu's real name then?" "Seokjin... but I call him Jin. His full name is Kim Seokjin and my full name is Jeon Jungkook. We're stepbrothers." "Ah... ok" He sighed as he looked down and quietly asked, "weren't you mad?" "No, why would I be mad? You had a reason to keep it a secret." I pecked his cheek and his eyes widened, me giggling in response. "Can we do something fun? Like watching a movie? Pleaseeee" "Ok" he chuckled, getting up.
I pulled him onto the couch and cuddled up to him whilst he put on a movie. 20 minutes later Seokjin practically burst through the door with a panicked face, but when he saw us two cuddling and watching a movie his face softened. "What happened?" he simply asked. "I told her" Jungkook said. "Y... you... what?" "I told her our real names and that we're stepbrothers, and that we were abused when young that's why we changed our names." "Oh" he looked between me and Jungkook then sighed and came over, plopping onto the couch next to us. "I'm tired, I rushed all the way here and it was damn busy" Jungkook chuckled and I giggled, earning a glare from Jin. "Ughh what are you watching anywa-" He saw what was on the screen and turned to look at Jungkook with 'I'm done' face. "Seriously? You've probably watched Iron Man more times than I-" "Yeah yeah, let me watch what I want" he looked back at the TV and I laughed looking at the two. They seemed really close even though they were bickering, it was nice to see.
After the movie Jin had fallen asleep and Jungkook smirked looking at him. "Why are you making that face" I couldn't help but laugh. "Revenge time~" He dragged Jin onto the floor face down and laughed evilly at him. "That's what he gets" he walked over to the kitchen leaving me confused. I followed after him and asked, "Why what did he do before?" "Remember that time we woke up in that awkward position?" My face went red just remembering it. Jungkook laughed at my face then said, "I guess you do. Anyways, Jin put us in that position." "...That littl-" "Hold upp" he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind before I go and I pouted trying to push his arms away. He laughed at me then said, "He'll wake up with his precious handsome face ruined, trust me that's torture enough for him." "Ugh ok" He turned me around his arms still wrapped around my waist and stared onto my eyes, me doing the same with him. He smiled and pecked my cheek, then let go of me and walked away leaving me in a blushing mess.
After calming down a little I went to my room and went on my phone until I heard a really REALLY loud scream.
"YAAAAHHHHH JEON JUNGKOOK GET RIGHT HERE!!" I widened my eyes and opened my bedroom door carefully, seeing an angry Jin with a funny face chasing a laughing Jungkook. Jungkook tripped over something and Jin basically slammed him against the wall. "OWW HHUNGG" "You." He pointed a finger at Jungkook. "You will regret that." "It's what you get for last time" he stuck his tongue out and Jin growled at him. "HEY JIN" I yelled. "Huh what" he turned around to see where the voice came from and Jungkook escaped running over to me, grabbing my hand and locking us two in my room. "YAH OPEN THE STUPID DOOR!" We both laughed then Jungkook walked over to my bed collapsing on it dramatically arms stretched out. I giggled at him and went over, jumping on top of him in my cat form. He chuckled and turned to his side, settling me down and scratching behind my ears softly. I purred and Jungkook smiled before whispering, "You're so cute" We then fell asleep, me in my cat form and close to Jungkook.
The next morning I woke up with a slight discomfort, but I ignored it. I turned into my cat form and stretched, only realising that I was on top of someone when I heard an 'oof'. I groaned and opened my eyes, widening them when I was face to face with a sleepy Jungkook. Something started tingling inside me but I ignored that and quickly got off him. "Sorry... I forgot that you were here" I chuckled nervously. "Yeah it's ok" he rubbed his eyes and sat up. His hair was everywhere and his face was all sleepy, it looked cute, so I ruffled his hair smiling. He pouted at me and I giggled before going to the bathroom. When I got out Jungkook was asleep on the bed. I chuckled and went over shaking him. "Jungkookkkkk we have work." He groaned opening his eyes then I pulled him to sit up. "Come onnn" "Argh, ok ok" He finally got up and I pushed him out of the room so he would go to his. I went to the kitchen and saw Jin cooking, I smiled and went to backhug him. "Morning Y/n" "Morninggg~" I felt my stomach sting all of a sudden and I groaned realising what was happening. "Jin I think my heat's starting" "Already?" "Yeah" I sighed. "Ok... the pills are still in your room right? Take them whilst I set the table" "Ok" I went to my room but I bumped into Jungkook on the way. "Oh, hey Y/n, why are you going back to your room?" "Need to take heat pills" He widened his eyes and yelled, "Already?!" "...Yeah...why?" He gulped muttering a 'nothing' before walking past me. I titled my head in confusion but then shook it off and went to take the pills.


No no no no no... this can't be happening. N... not now... "Jungkook? What's wrong?" Y... Y/n... her heat started..." "Yeah and... OH" I bit my lip as I looked at him. "What do I do?" It was silent for a minute then Jin looked behind me. I was about to turn around but some small arms were wrapped around my waist from behind. "Y...Y/n..." she let go and came in front of me. She titled her head as she looked into my eyes and I sighed walking past her. I can't let her be in pain, so... I might have to tell her...


I sensed that something was wrong with Jungkook but he kept saying that he was fine. After eating we got ready to leave then left to work. The day went by slowly, but pain was starting to worsen from my heat. I got up to give something to Jungkook and went on the room before knocking. I extended my hand out to give the files but then froze widening my eyes. He looked at me with a confused expression and I quickly handed him the files before turning around and walking away. I opened the door but it was slammed shut by an arm. I gulped and turned around to see Jungkook staring deep into my eyes. I bit my lip my eyes tearing up from the pain. "What's wrong? Is the pain bad?" I nodded and looked down avoiding eye contact. I need to get out of here... the pain got 10 times worse as soon as I got close to Jungkook... but why on earth is that? "C... can I g... go home p... please? I... it's really bad..." My hand reached back for the handle but Jungkook grabbed my arms pinning them against the door. "W...what are you doing?" "The pain will only get worse if you leave" "W... what do you mean?" "It means you love me" I widened my eyes. "W...w-" "If you love someone and are seperated from them on your heat, the pain gets worse. Surely you would know that?" He was scaring me know. "How-" "Stop trying to hide it, I know it got worse as soon as you got close-" "How do you know all this?!" He rolled his eyes and took his hat off, throwing it to the side. I looked up confused at his action but then widened my eyes as I saw this...

 I looked up confused at his action but then widened my eyes as I saw this

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