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"Yah Jeon Min-Jun get back here!" The said bunny hopped onto my shoulder from the shelf, turning into his human form giggling. "You're a little cheeky one, aren't you?" Jungkook picked him up and Min-Jun dug his face into his father's neck. Jungkook chuckled and I shook my head pouting. "I'll put him to sleep, Areum is trying to sleep anyways, she has an exam tomorrow." He went upstairs and came down a while later, walking over and plopping onto the couch next to me. "You still act like a child" he laughed pecking my pouted lips. I whined and dug my face into his shest and he laughed again. He pushed me back gently and pecked my lips smiling. "Cheer up, huh? The kid's still young." "He keeps doing it. He knocked over some mugs this time!" I whined. "I know, he'll get better soon, trust me." He pecked my lips then frowned. "Come on, smile." I shook my head then he pecked my lips again. And again. Then I had an idea. He pecked my lips once again and I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him. I smiled into the kiss and he did too, leaning forward so I would go back until I was laying down on the couch. After a couple of seconds we pulled back so that our lips were barely an inch apart. "You smiled" he pecked my lips and I smiled again, pecking his lips. "What are you doing?" We both widened our eyes and Jungkook got off me quickly. Min-Jun titled his head at us then Jungkook asked, "What are you doing down here?" "I needed water" "...Right, ok.." he stood up but then Min-Jun asked, "What were you two doing though?" Jungkook suddenly smirked and I widened my eyes. "I'll tell you, but you can keep it a secret right?" Min-Jun nodded then Jungkook crossed his arms glancing at me before looking back at him. "It's how we got you" "JEON JUNGKOOK" I got up and chased after at him and Min-Jun just stood there confused. "Yah this kid is innocent and you have to-" Jungkook suddenly turned around and kissed me, and I widened my eyes pushing him away by his chest. "NOT INFRONT OF DIS CHILD I TELL YOU" I walked over to the confused Min-Jun and took him upstairs. "Mummy, I'm confused. What did father mean by that's how you got me?" he asked innocently. I coughed a bit too loudly and said, "It's nothing, he was just messing with you." I patted his cat like ears and pecked his forehead before tucking him in bed. "Go to sleep now, ok?" The door suddenly opened and closed again and I quickly turned around to see Jungkook with a glass of water. He walked over and sat on the bed. "You didn't get your water, don't want you coming down again." I widened my eyes. "What does that mean?" me and Min-Jun both asked at the same time. I glared at Jungkook and he smiled at Min-Jun before saying, "It's really late. You should be asleep right now, so get some rest, ok?" He patted his head and got off the bed, going out and I followed him. We closed the door and went downstairs in the living room. When I was about to sit down, Jungkook grabbed onto my waist and pulled me to straddle his lap. I stared into his eyes with widened eyes, and he smirked leaning closer. "Let's continue shall we?" He closed the gap between us but at that moment something hit out heads. "OW!" he pulled back and we turned our heads to see an angry Jin. "When did you come back?!" Jungkook exclaimed clearly startled. "Just now, and how many times do I have to say, STOP MAKING OUT ON THE FREAKING COUCH" He crossed his arms glaring at us, and I quickly got off Jungkook. "It's his fault, trying to take the innocence away from a 4 year old." Jungkook widened his eyes and Jin grabbed onto his hair glaring at him. "You" he pulled Jungkook's hair, "argh, argh, hyung!"
Jin pulled his hair more and Jungkook stood up, Jin pulling him into another room. "Have mercy!" I yelled out rolling my eyes. This happens every day, I swear. I made my way upstairs to go to sleep, and as I layed down a pouting Jungkook dragged himself into the room and flopped onto the bed face down, groaning. "How bad was it?" I laughed. "I swear my hair was pulled out" he groaned and I just laughed side hugging his waist. "Do I have to make you smile now?" he turned to face me and wrapped an arm around my waist. "Yupp" I smiled and pecked his lips. He immediately smiled and pulled me into a hug, resting his chin on the top of my head. "Thanks" I moved myself closer and closed my eyes. "Ok, now go to sleeepp" "Ok" he chuckled. With that I fell asleep in his arms, my husband's arms.

- - THE END - -

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