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"JUNGKOOK!!" I shaked him by his shoulders but he wouldn't wake up. Panicking that the worst had happened, I checked his pulse and it was stable. I sighed in relief and sat down lifting Jungkook's head gently onto my lap. I called Jin but he didn't pick up so I texted telling him what happened instead. After I put my phone away I checked his breathing to see if he still was ok. And he was. I played with his bangs and stared at him, when a sudden feeling hit me. My hand stopped and I subconsciously started to caress his cheeks, going down to his lips and jawline. I snapped out of my thoughts when the door opened and I pulled my hand back. Jin closed the door and walked over before asking, "Is his pulse and breathing ok?" he asked. I nodded in response and he sighed saying, "Let's get him home, and about those guys, I found them. They were trying to get a job but I went in and said we won't need any people helping in the company for a while." I nodded again and Jin crouched down and asked, "How are we gonna do this?" I thought for a second then said, "Just carry him on your back. It's a normal thing to do, right?" "Hmmm, ok." He placed Jungkook on his back and you couldn't see Jungkook's face anyways because of the hat he was wearing, so it was all good. "Let's go."
Once we were home Jin layed him down on Jungkook's bed in his bedroom. "What happened before he passed out?" "Well... he was struggling to breathe and he was panicking... I tried to help him but it didn't work." "...He had a panic attack." "A panic attack? And he passed out?" "Everything healthwise is different for hybrids, that's why." "Ah." "Well, stay with him." "Yeah" he then left the room closing the door behind him. I sighed as I turned to look at Jungkook, staring at his perfect jawline, lips, eyes and hair. I ended up staring at him for an entire hour without realising. I eventually checked the time and widened my eyes to see that it was already 5 o'clock. What's wrong with me... I groaned and got up, going to my room to change into some comfortable oversized clothes. I then went back to Jungkook's room and saw him sitting on the edge of his bed, staring at the wall. He had tears brimmed in his eyes and his hands were clenched on the bed sheets. I walked over slowly and sat next to him, putting my hand on his thigh for support. "Jin handled them, they were trying to get a job there but Jin told them that no more people will need to be hired for a while" I got straight to the point. "Do you think they know who we are?" he asked quietly. "No, of course not. You look completely different to when you were young, and you changed your names too." "Yeah, but-" He froze and seemed to tense up, turning his head to look at me slowly. I looked at him confused and he stared at me before stuttering out, "W... what are you doing?" "...What do you mean?" He looked down at his thigh and I looked there too to see my hand very close to his 'precious' area, rubbing his upper thigh to make it even worse. My eyes turned as wide as saucers, and I pulled my hand back jumping up from the bed. "Sorry, I gotta-" "Forget it, it's fine" he stopped me by getting up and pulling me into a hug, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck. I was glad he couldn't see my face right now because it was probably as red as a fiery, red, fresh tomato (don't judge meh). He eventually pulled back after a few minutes and held my hand leading me out of his room and to the kitchen.
"Jin hyung" He looked over and sighed in relief. "Thank god you're ok..." "Wait... what even happened?" "You had a panic attack and passed out." Jungkook nodded and sighed, letting go of my hand and going to the fridge to drink some water. Jin walked over and put a hand on my shoulder. "Are you ok? I forgot that you're on heat." "I'm fine" I reassured him, smiling. He smiled back and patted my shoulder before looking at Jungkook then back at you. "Can you give us some time to talk?" he asked quietly even though Jungkook would still probably be able to hear. "Sure" I nodded and left, leaving the two alone.


I waited until Y/n left then I leaned against the counter clenching my eyes shut. "You ok?" Jin walked over and asked. "No" I groaned. I opened my eyes and asked, "What are we gonna do?" "Nothing. Jungkook, they have no idea who we are. They were only trying to find a job... for whatever reason" he muttered the last bit." I nodded biting my lip and Jin said," I know you're worried..." he patted my shoulder and said, "but hang in there. It'll all be fine." He gave me a reassuring smile and I smiled back the slightest before staring at the ground. "Come on, let's all watch Iron Man or something" he chuckled and held my arm bringing me with him to the living room. We sat down and I expected Y/n to cuddele with me, but she didn't. Odd. Jin put on the third Iron Man film, making me smile a bit. During the movie I cuddled up a bit to Y/n, but she wouldn't cuddle. Ok. Something's wrong. "Y/n you ok?" I asked concerned. "Yeah, just exhausted..." I nodded frowning and carried on watching the movie.
After the movie finished Y/n said she wanted to sleep and got up but I grabbed her wrist. "Come on, let's all play a game or something." "I'm tired" he groaned. I got up and said, "Come on Jin hyung" I pulled her to my room and we sat down, Y/n in a bad mood. "Are you that tired?" Jin asked. "Yeah" Y/n muttered. "Come on just one game" I back hugged her but she stood up and said, "I'm seriously tired... let me sleep please." I sighed and said, "Ok... Jin hyung can you get me some painkillers asap? I have a bad headache" He nodded and got up, leaving the room. Y/n followed him but I slammed the door shut before she could get out, locking it straight afterwards. I picked her up and walked over placing her on my bed carefully, hovering over her afterwards. "I told you to tell me if it hurts" I said staring into her eyes. She looked down and whispered, "I didn't want to tell you when you're like this..." I lifted her chin up with my finger and said, "I'm fine, ok? And I don't want you to be in pain, that hurts me even more." Her eyes teared up and I smiled caressing her cheek as I leaned in, connecting my lips with hers. The kiss was slow and passionate at first, quickly heating up as I held onto her waist and she wrapped her arms around my neck. We leaned back for air and I removed her arms from around my neck and placed them around my waist instead. I leaned down towards her neck and kissed it softly, kissing it all over and down until I reached the hem of her shirt. I pulled back and looked at her, she opened her eyes slowly and stared into my eyes. I smiled and got off her, pulling her close to my chest as I ran my hand through her hair slowly. "See? Don't go through pain, and just tell me next time, ok?" "Ok" she said, her voice muffled in my chest. I smiled and kissed the top of her head, closing my eyes. "Goodnight, Y/n" "Goodnight Jungkookie"

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