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The next half of the week went by slowly. Y/n had no idea of what Jungkook was going through, Jin really couldn't do much except take Y/n to work and staying with her at all times so that she doesn't get picked on. Jungkook, however, was going through hell. He was fighting with himself and just stayed laying down crying most of time, and he barely, well, he couldn't eat.


It was a Thursday and Hyun-wu told me that Ji-hun was coming back, it would be a lie if I said I wasn't excited. I was in the living room after work when I heard keys jingle outside. I jumped up and ran towards the door, jumping onto Ji-hun in a hug when he opened the door. "You're backkk~" He didn't hug me back so I leaned back and looked at him. "...Are you ok?" He looked into my eyes, I could see that he was hurt, and feeling down. He walked past me and went to his room leaving me worried. Maybe something happened...? I'll ask Hyun-wu. I went to his room and knocked on the door. A few seconds later Hyun-wu opened the door and looked at me. "Ji-hun's back... but did something happen while he was gone? He seems in a bad mood." "Oh... probably some argument. He doesn't get along with his cousins well to be honest." He scratched the back of his neck then said, "I'll check on him." I nodded and gave way for him to walk past.


I opened the door and was tackled into a hug by Y/n... but I didn't hug her back. I couldn't... I didn't want to be in the same pain again on my next heat... which means I can't love her. She leaned back and looked at me asking, "Are you ok?" No. No I'm not ok. But I didn't tell her that. I just stared into her eyes before walking past and to my room.
I sat down on my bed covering my face with my hands and groaning. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to tell her about my secret, but I was scared. I didn't know why, I knew I could trust her, but it just seemed scary to let out a secret that hid us from a harsh reality.
I heard a knock on my door and I asked, "Who is it?" "It's me" it was Jin hyung's voice. "Come in" He came in and closed the door behind him, walking over and sitting next to me on the bed afterwards. He sighed before saying, "I know there's no use in scolding you, so just tell me, why did you stay there even though you were in pain?" I bit my lip and stared at the floor before muttering, "I was scared." "What of?" "I... I know I can trust her... but I'm still scared hyung... I... don't know how to explain it..." "I get it Jungkook." I looked at him and he did the same before saying, "Hiding ourselves changed our lives. It was torture before that and it still haunts you... you're scared of letting that secret out there, it seems strange to let anyone else but ourselves know, right?" I blinked a few times amazed of how well he explained it then I nodded a yes in response. He patted my shoulder then said," I assure you, everything will be the same. Y/n might be upset that you kept it from her, but she would never let that secret be out there. You know her." I nodded then looked down and sighed. "I need time... I don't want to tell her yet." "Ok, I'll leave you to it, but please, tell her before either hers or your next heat starts. Don't go through that pain again." I nodded then Jin pulled me into a hug, patting my back gently for a minute or two. He pulled back afterwards and I looked down, tired. "You must be exhausted, get some rest." "Ok" He then left the room and I fell asleep.


Two weeks passed, things slowly going back to normal. Jungkook still wasn't ready to tell Y/n, but he couldn't keep it a secret forever...


I was walking around the house bored, Hyun-wu was out shopping but I didn't go with him. I stopped in my tracks when I heard sobs coming from Ji-hun's room. "Ji-hun?" I knocked on the door but there was no response. I opened the door slowly and saw Ji-hun under the bed covers, shaking and crying. I slowly went over and saw him asleep. He must be having a nightmare. I went closer and shook him gently to wake him up, but he wouldn't. His shaking got more violent and he started sobbing louder and I started to panic. A sudden ringtone knocked me out of my thoughts and I looked towards Ji-hun's phone. It read 'hyung' and I thanked him mentally before quickly picking up the phone. "Hey Jungkook, you want spicy ramen or just chicken ramen?" Silence. "Jungkook?" Jungkook. Jungkook... that name repeated a hundred times in my mind. "Jungkook, you there?" "...Why did you call him Jungkook?" I asked. He went silent and then I realised why I picked up the call in the first place. "Expalin later, he's asleep right now and having a nightmare, he's shaking and crying really bad but won't wake up, what should I do?" I asked quickly. "Umm... pinch his nipples, trust me it wakes him up." I made a 'wtf' face before saying a quick "ok, bye" and hanging up. I did as Hyun-wu told me but still wouldn't wake up. Giving up on that idea, I shook him shouting his name. "Ji-hun, wake up! Ji-hun..." That name went through my mind again so I decided to try that. "JUNGKOOK!" His eyes snapped open tears rolling down his cheeks and he stared at me with widened eyes. I let out a sigh of relief and hugged him tightly, refusing to let go.


"Jin H... hyung! Wake up!! Please" I sobbed, shaking his shoulders. I held onto his bloody shirt and held onto him close, scared that he wouldn't wake up. "J... Jin hyung p... please... I c... can't get through this on m... my own... p... please d... don't leave me alone, I... I need you" He wouldn't wake up, and I cried for hours until the door opened. A guy walked in and pulled me away from my hyung harshly and threw me against the wall.
"So he won't wake up huh?" he kicked Jin's stomach and I yelled out, "Don't!" "Why?" he raised and eyebrow and said, "You can't do anything, and I can do whatever I want, including this" He pulled out a knife and I widened my eyes, running in front of Jin hyung to protect him. "Dotn you date hurt him" He chuckled evilly before shoving me away and making a large cut on Jin's arm. "NO!!" He again pushed me away but more harshly this time, my back colliding against the cold, hard wall.
"You stupid bunny, you belong to US now, you're nothing more than a stupid pet. So do what we say or we'll kill you as you'll have no use" he spat at me before leaving. I quickly crawled over to Jin and took my shirt off, using it to pressure his wound. "P... please... w... wake up... p... please"
"JUNGKOOK!" My eyes snapped open tears rolling down my cheeks as I stared at Y/n with widened eyes. She just called me Jungkook.... how?! She sighed in relief and hugged me tight, not letting go. "Y... Y/n..." I said eventually. She just hummed in response will hugging me. I tried to pull back but she refused to let go. I sighed and asked, "How did you know to call me Jungkook?" She was silent for a minute before finally leaving back and looking into my eyes. "Hyun-wu called you that. Why?" I bit my lip and looked down avoiding eye contact. This is the thing I've been dreading, she found out... but not by me telling her. But... she knows now, so I might as well tell her...
"I... it's my real name"

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