-Chapter 19 : Adorably annoying yet annoyingly adorable-

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Author's P.OV:

New morning, new beginning well Jungkook wanted to think like that atleast probably wanted to cover up the heavy feeling in his heart from last night incident.

After giving himself a small pep talk for the day, he went outside his room wearing his all so new "S-class" Uniform, jaded in beautiful stones, boosting Jungkook's confidence for the day. 

No, it was nothing special today except for the fact that he was going to attend his classes and he had Taehyung's matter on hand too, after all he had made up his mind on making the said boy fall in love with him...

Just like always Taehyung was nowhere to be seen much to the human's dismay, but still he consoled himself. Though a pout was evident on his cute face.. Because as much he liked his uniform, it was a hassle to put it on.

After spending about another half an hour on his dress he made it to his class which was currently taken by Lisa. When he reached to the practicing grounds he was given basic instructions about this class and since today was his first day technically, he was made to sit out and watch closely to get familiar with the things... Just like mostly in Lisa's class which was combat classes they generally spar with each other while Lisa guide them through it.

Jungkook saw Taehyung and the rest standing particularly on one side of the ground while Yoongi and Jin were sparring with each other, it looked pretty intense but maybe not more intense than the look held by none other than the silver head himself atleast for Jungkook. To say Jungkook again found himself getting lost in his eyes would not be a lie... And soon Jungkook came to this conclusion that this class is boring as hell and he was pretty much happy with the sight of his man looking all serious and hot. 

Such a turn on but little Jungkookie was way too shy to meet his eyes when Taehyung looked over to him, he quickly looked away as if he wasn't practically staring at the silver head just a while ago, displaying his oh so innocent face on front while dying inside out of embarrassment for getting caught. 

Though he was happy because it would be for the first time that Taehyung had paid attention to him after ignoring him like he didn't even exist since last night. Taehyung was avoiding Jungkook like plague and honestly it was getting on the said boy's nerve as no one, by that I means NO ONE ignores Jungkookie and gets away with it.

After another 20 minutes and Jungkook was literally bored out of his mind, but soon an evil idea invaded his mind when he saw all of their pixies sitting together maybe were having a happy gathering but not for long as Jungkook invited himself over in their little group, And all the pixies were more than happy to welcome the boy except... Yeah, it was not tough guess... Taehyung's...

But still it didn't bother Jungkook much as at this point he was used to getting dislike by both Taehyung and his pixie. His class long forgotten, he was now actively involved in all the pixie talks and their agendas.

After chatting animatedly with them, more like complaining to them about his tough life he noticed that Lily and Tae's pixie were lost in their own world well it seemed like that....
Jungkook could make out what was happening and he couldn't help himself from teasing both of them.

"Tae's pixie and Lily,  

Sitting under a tree, 


Jungkook sang loudly with a teasing glint in his eyes which got their attention and made Lily blush heavily. He also felt that he was getting glares from Taehyung's pixie and he even thought that the said pixie even scoffed at him, it hurt Jungkook's pride as he tackled the pixie along with Lily in a soft snuggly hug while the rest of the pixies were flying over his head in amusement. He then pulled all of them in a hug, but was careful enough to not hurt them. 

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