Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

He wasn't sure how it happened. All he knew was that she was gone. And there was most likely no way of getting her back. She had no heartbeat in her body, but he knew she was still alive, her true heart was still beating. So if there was a way to find her heart, he could save her. But he was too upset to start looking.

It had only happened minutes ago that he had lost the love of his life, the one person who stuck with him through everything. She brought the good out in him, the person he wanted to be. She saved him from himself and whenever she was around, everything seemed to be okay.

It wasn't helping that the boys were distant because they also felt the great loss. Some had just walked out of the room when it happened, feeling great pain.

Peter knew how it felt. He didn't want to let go of her fragile, lifeless body; he just wanted to hold her like she was going to come back if he just did that. If he just kissed her again, maybe she'd come back...It hadn't worked earlier, so why would it now? He sighed and kissed her hand. He wasn't going to bury her, it was too early to just give up.

What he needed right now was some comfort. But he didn't think he was going to get any. The closest people to him were the boys and Lexi and neither of those options were available.

He knew she had had a special relationship with Emma and Regina, so he decided to at least tell the two of them what her current state was. They weren't aware of what happened since they had their own crisis going on.

Peter walked sullenly into Granny's and looked around, hoping to see anybody but Hook. Alas, that was not the case. Especially since everyone turned to look at me.

"Where's Alexandria?" Hook asked and Peter hung his head.

"She- she... she's under some curse, or spell... I'm not really sure and I can't seem to take the spell off of her. I've tried true love's kiss and most of the spells I know. One second we were playing tag in the woods with the rest of the boys, and the next, she was on the ground, her heartbeat slowing down. Luckily, her heart is in a box we hid so nothing could actually kill her immediately."

"Why haven't you gone to get the box?" Regina asked and Peter cast his eyes at the ground.

"I-I don't know where it is."

"You WHAT?!" Hook yelled. Emma held on to his forearm to stop him from doing anything extreme.

"I-I... I don't remember where she hid it. She told me but I can't remember where it is."

Hook glared daggers at me. "How could you let this happen?! You were supposed to protect her! I trusted you!" Hook yelled at me and I flinched.

"Killian! He's just a boy! A boy who just lost the love of his life! What would happen if you lost Emma?" Snow intervened, stepping out in front of me, as if blocking me from Hook.

"But that's just it! It's not Emma! It's my daughter- my flesh and blood!" Hook slammed his fist on the counter and shook his head. Everyone could tell he was shaking, trying to not show his true emotions. He just lost the only blood family that he has left. Of course he'd be truamatized.

I bit my lip as Emma escorted him to somewhere private; most likely Mary Margret's apartment.

"He's- he's right. I should have protected her. This shouldn't have happened." Peter said, shaking his head.

"Peter, you can't blame yourself. You didn't know-" Charming started but Peter shook his head and cut him off.

"But I should have been prepared! I should always be prepared! I've been lacking since we left Neverland! I thought there would be less danger here, but I guess I was wrong. She's just as much of a prize for villains to win as much as ever! She-she-she could be used as an object of any sort if a villain gets their hands on her... I-I have to find that heart and-and try to cure her." Peter said quickly and with much emotion.

He was about run out the door but Regina stopped him. "And where do you think you're going?" Regina asked and Peter became flustered.

"To-uh... to-to..."

Regina smirked a little. "I mean where do you think you're going," she paused for a second, "without us?" She smirked and Snow, Charming Emma, Henry and Belle were at her sides.

Peter smiled, "Well we have a lot of work to do then, don't we?"

A/N: Hey guys I know it's really short but it's kind of a really important filler chapter to here's to the new year! Yay!

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