Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I got up and made my way to the exit of the fort.

"Lex, wait," Max said and I ignored him and lifted up the blanket to see out the sliding door.

A pair of glowing yellow eyes matched my own and the figure growled at me. I sneered at it and growled back. The creature didn't back down and growled again, louder this time. It scratched the door and kept scratching, trying to get in through the glass.

I just looked at it. It was a little bigger than a dog and too small to be a baby elephant. So I was guessing maybe a wolf or something. Or another flying monkey.

In fact, it was another flying monkey. Feeling sympathy for the creature, I reached out and touched it's forehead, making it human again. I brought the person inside, Danny got towels and fresh clothes and we left the new person on a bed.

To be honest, I have no idea why I was so scared. I crawled back into the tent, Danny following after me and the group let out a sigh of relief. Peter hugged me tightly.

"Don't you ever do anything like that again!" he exclaimed and cuddled me close.

I smiled and giggled and nuzzled up to him. "I'm not going anywheres, I promise."

He kissed my forehead. "Good."

"What about me?! I went out there too!" Danny exclaimed. I laughed and the rest of the boys hugged him. Danny smiled cheekily and I giggled and buried myself deeper into Peter who hugged me even more tightly.

"When this is over, I want to go camping." Peter whispered in my ear and I smiled and nodded.

"I like the sound of that."

~ 1 month later ~

"PETER PAN, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!" I yelled and ran down the street past Granny's, chasing Peter.

Let me back up for a minute.

You see, while everything was happening with Emma and Hook going back in time and crap during the past hour of existence, Peter and I were with the Lost Boys. Just so happens, I walked in on Peter beating them all up for no reason. Except for Blaze. So not only was I pissed off at him for beating the boys, I was pissed because he lied to me. He told me he had gotten Blaze under control. And he didn't.

So I chased him down the street. Now, back to reality.

I guess the people inside Granny's had heard the commotion and decided to check it out because a small crowd had gathered on the patio.

I ignored them and continued to run after him. He tripped over something and fell, which gave me enough time to catch him. I grabbed the collar of his dark green T-shirt and raised my fist like I was about to punch him. I plunged my fist into the spot in his chest where his heart would be and pulled it out. He gasped and looked at me with shock and hurt written all over his face.

That knocked me into reality.

Not the yells and gasps from the crowds, but the look on his face.

I shoved his heart back into his chest, looking away. He gasped again and closed his eyes, passing out. I caught him, still not looking at him, and the tears streamed down my face.

I clutched him tightly to me, knowing he wasn't dead but that I almost actually hurt him...well, it struck home.

I finally opened my eyes, still blurry with tears, and moved his hair off his forehead.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I'm so sorry." I whispered and he coughed and opened his eyes. "Peter!" I exclaimed, still teary-eyed, and threw my arms around him. I clutched him tightly and he hugged me tightly back.

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