Pt.2 Blonde

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Chapter 2

"You lost my pin!" Mia's voice bounced off the tiny bedroom walls as she bounced a crying Leo in her arms. "Ella, seriously?"

"It wasn't my fault!" Ella jumped out of bed. Her blonde hair was braided down her back as her light blue eyes apologized to her sister. "It wouldn't stay in my hair."

"I can not believe this,"

Ella felt terrible for being so careless with something so valuable but at the same time she also felt a flicker of irritation at her sister's words. She wanted to point out that if it was so important to her then she should have kept it in her box. Why take it out at all?

But fighting with Mia when she was mad was like inviting death into your home. From their many fights growing up, Ella had learned to keep her comments to herself.

"Why is he crying so much?" Ella looked at Leo to change the subject. The little boy's runny nose and rosy cheeks were a worrisome sight.

"He has an ear infection," Mia looked at her boy and wiped his tears.

"Poor thing," Ella frowned.

"I'm taking him to the doctor, you go to the palace and pick up our checks."

Ella's heart stumbled, "What? Why can't you go?"

"Because I'm going to the doctor, Ell," Mia shook her head.

"Are you sure I should go?" Ella's palms began to sweat with the idea of showing her face to the event planner after walking out in the middle of her shift last night.

"Don't worry," Her sister said. "I spoke to Mary. I told her you got sick and didn't want to throw up on anyone."

"Gee, thanks," Ella rolled her eyes.

"Did you get a good look at the guy from last night?"

"Not really. I just ran like you told me to."

"Well, at least you can do something right," Mia smiled. "Now go get ready and get the check. I need to deposit it as soon as I can."


"And you're sure she was your mate?" Owen raised a brow.

"Yes!" Maksim said with excitement. " wolf didn't recognize her. But I caught her scent. I know it's her, dad."

"Macky," Owen put down the pen in his hand and rubbed his eyes. "You do realize what you're asking, right?"

"Yes," the young prince nodded his head.

"You want to invite all one hundred and ninety two women from last night to the palace so you can find this one blonde."

"My blonde," Maksim laughed. "Dad, this is it. I have to find her. I can't stop thinking about her."

Alec and Exton, who had been quietly sitting by the window ledge of Owen's office, looked at each other and then at Owen. they tried to hide their amused expressions but failed miserably.

"This isn't a joke," Maksim said shaking his head and chuckling slightly. "You've all always told me how amazing it was to find your mate. Now it's my chance. She's so close! I feel it."

"There has to be a better way," Alec shook his head.

"She's blonde, right?" Owen pulled out the guest list from the party.

"Yes," Maksim nodded.

"How tall?" Exton asked.

"I would say about..... Five eight, five nine?"

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