Pt.5 Chocolates

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Chapter 5

Owen slowly and silently walked down the pebbled path to where Maksim sat under the weeping willow. As he approached his son looked up and moved over to make space for him on the bench. Owen took a seat and looked out at the swans floating on top of the little pond.

"Did you know what swans get divorced," Maksim said after a while.

"I did not," Owen chuckled. "I thought they mated for life like us."

"No," Maksim watched the white birds. "They can divorce due to nesting failure."

"Huh," Owen.

"Cleo taught me that,"

Upon hearing his son's words, Owen started to laugh, "That does sound like something only Cleo would know."

"She has a future in zoology," Maksim chuckled.

"She does," Owen nodded.

As the conversation died down, the father and son took comfort in the willow's shade and the pond's cool breeze. The summer days were winding down slowly. Their wolves could feel the change in the air more than their human bodies could.

"What's going on, Macky?" Owen asked after several long minutes.

"What do you mean?"

"You've been acting strange for the past two days," Owen observed. "Your mom and I are worried."

Maksim took a deep breath as he ran his hands over his thighs. He felt his chest tighten as the image of baby blue eyes flashed in front of him.

"How's Ella?" Owen asked.

"I don't know,"

Maksim's answer told Owen everything he needed to know. He placed an arm around his son's shoulder and patted his shoulder.

"To be mated with a human is a blessing," he said. "You never have to doubt that they truly love you with or without the pull of the bond."

Maksim nodded.

"You will win her over," Owen tried to comfort his son. "It will take time. You're a Radacovick and a Dorin. Unfortunately our families don't find love easily."

Maksim gave a dry laugh as he straightened his shoulder and looked around.

"Did you tell her she is your mate?"

"Yes," Maksim nodded.

"What did she say?"

"She slapped me across the face" Maksim turned to his father, wanting to see the look on his face. "And told me never to tell anyone."

"Well..." Owen said, a bit baffled. "That's a new one. I don't think anyone in our family has encountered that challenge yet."

"Nope," Maksim shook his head. "Paws got cursed, Gemma turned evil, You gave up your bond, Alec and Eden had to hide.....but no one had a mate that slapped them before."

Owen couldn't help the laugh that escaped him. The swans swimming nearby jumped with fright as they zoomed away from the pair sitting on the bench.

"I'm glad you find this amusing," Maksim shook his head.

"I'm sorry," Owen pressed his lips together but the laugh still bubbled out of him. "My apologies."

"What do I do, dad?" Maksim sighed. "I can't stop thinking about her. Everything reminds me of her and every time I think about her my heart does this weird thing. It stops for a second and I lose my breath and then I forget what I was doing and I can't think straight."

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