Pt.17 Letters

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Chapter 17

"Shit," Ella said as she rushed to get out of the car.

Next to her, Maksim opened his door but she stopped him.

"No!" Ella said. "Just go, I'll take care of this."

'Ella, I-"

"Please, please. Just go." Ella begged.

Maksim hesitated for a second before he nodded against his will and let Ella jump out of the car. He watched as she rushed over to Piper and pulled her away from the car.

"Piper," Ella said. "Listen, you can't tell anyone!"

"Is that really him?" Piper asked as Ella dragged her towards the ice cream shop. "Wait! I want to get an autograph."

"No!" Ella pulled her back. "Stop! Please."

"Ellie!" The little girl squealed. "The prince drove you home!"

"Shhh," Ella put her hand over Piper's mouth as she looked around to make sure no one heard her. "You can't tell anyone."

Piper clapped her mouth shut and pretended to zip it, "I won't tell anyone."

Ella narrowed her eyes at her sister, "Not even your friend at school."

"Ah man, come on Ella," Piper groaned. "They will lose their mind! My sister and the Prince!"

"No, no no," Ella hushed her again. "If you tell anyone then it will make it back to mom and dad and that will be a disaster."

Piper thought about what her sister said for a second before she nodded in understanding, "You're right."

"Thank you," Ella sighed. "This is very important."

"Okay, okay," Piper nodded her head. "I get it. I won't tell anyone."

"Okay," Ella said, trusting her. "Let's go home now."

Piper quietly began to follow her sister home. Ella watched her from the corner of her eyes to make sure she wouldn't do anything crazy. There wasn't much she could do in the streets other than shout out she saw the prince, but Maksim was long gone. Ella was just worried about what would happen once they got home.

"Oh my god," Piper suddenly said as she stopped walking. "You're blonde."

Ella looked at her with a quizzical look in her eyes, "Yes...."

"The Instagram page and the Facebook pages said Maksim was dating some mystery blonde from St.'s you!"

"No," Ella pulled her sister into their building. "Piper! Shhhhh. Stop."

"It's you, isn't it?" Piper whispered as she pulled Ella's hand off her mouth. "You're the mystery blonde."

"No, I'm not," Ella shook her head. "We're not dating. He just gave me a ride home."

"I don't believe you,"

"He's a prince! He's going to date someone like Margo Watermen or somebody," as Ella said those words, a part of her growled like Maksim earlier.

"So it's not you?" Piper looked disappointed.

"No," Ella lied. "It's not me kid."

"Do you know who it is though?"

"No, I'm sorry."

"That's fine," Piper shrugged. "The sources will reveal who she is soon."

"The sources?"

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