Pt.11 Worlds apart

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Chapter 11

Maksim rubbed his forehead as his mother and her council spoke around the round table in the throne room. All he wanted was to make sure Ella was okay. He didn't want to be a part of this meeting and waste his time.

Maksim, Owen mind linked him. Please pay attention.

Sorry, Maksim slowly straightened back up.

"So it's decided then," Gemma said as she looked over the meeting agenda.

"Yes," Adam nodded. "I think this is a good plan, Mavi."

"Thank you," Mavi said. "Let's hope this works."

She turned to her son and asked him to stay back as the rest gathered their things and emptied the room. Maksim restlessly moved around as Owen and Mavi looked at each other with concern.

"Macky," Mavi took a deep breath. "I know you don't want to be here right now. But it is very important. This whole 'rebranding the image' plan is banking on you, Clare, Adeline and Maya. But more so on you then anyone else."

"I know," Maksim nodded.

"We know it is important to you to win Ella over right now," Owen started. "Trust me when I say I would not ask this if we had any other way."

Maksim slowly began to look up as his mind took a turn down worry lane. His parents were masters at hiding their emotions from their faces. But years of looking into their eyes taught Maksim how to pick up on their worries.

"We're asking you to stay away from Ella for a few days," Mavi said quickly as if she was trying to pull off a band-aid and get over the fear of it hurting.

"What?" Maksim frowned. "How is that going to do anything?"

"Her family is surrounded by controversy right now," Owen explained. "Like it or not, the protesters are using their story to take aim at us. Things will only escalate if they fine you with her. Also her ..... hesitation......"

Maksim waited for his father to continue but the man looked over at his wife. The couple stood together tag teaming, always catching each other. Maksim was envious. Would Ella and him ever have that?

"Look, Mackey," Mavi sighed. "Ella is a sweetheart. We love her and we understand her position right now. We really do. But you chasing her right now in front of the public eye is nothing going to make anything easy. Even if we tell the media and make an official announcement that she is your mate, the public will find some way to twist the story. Just as they did with her sister."

"The sister is fine, by the way," Owen said. "Border patrol informed us she crossed into Bulgaria with her mate."

"Brave girl," Maksim said under his breath.

Mavi and Owen looked at each other once more as they waited for their son to acknowledge what they had just said. Mavi knew the feeling of wanting to go after your mate. Hadn't she done the exact same for Owen. But she prayed Maksim would be cautious. His crown rested upon his decision.

"Maksim," Mavi walked over to her son and placed a hand on his cheek.

Maksim took a deep breath. He took his mother's hand into his and placed a kiss upon it.

"Don't worry," he said. "I'll lay low."

"We don't want you to lay low," Owen said. "We need you out there in the public eye. We just want you to stay away from Ella until the dust storm settles."

Maksim's wolf whined in his head. He hated this idea with every ounce of his being. But he couldn't refuse his parents.

"Okay," he nodded after a while.

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