Pt.22 The Ice Queen

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Chapter 22

Ella felt all the wind be knocked out of her body as she stood still looking into her father's rage filled eyes. Her heart had packed up it's belongings and abandoned ship a long time ago. Now all that was left was her hollow chest. The wind moved around inside of her, not finding a place to settle.

"Where were you?" Dean asked as his eyes narrowed.

Ella parted her lips. Like her soul her brain was just as empty. There was nothing she could say right now to make anything better.

This was it. This was Ella Dunbar's downfall.

"I went to go see Maksim," Ella confessed.

Dean did not look surprised by her words, "You went to go see that mutt? Even after I told you what would happen if you ever disobeyed me again?"


"And now you are talking back to me!" As Dean's voice rose, the lights in the house started to turn on one by one. Ruby was the first to come running, followed my Mia and then a worried Piper.

"Look what your daughter has done!" Dean snared again as Ruby eyed Ella's jacket and hat.

"Ella?" she asked. "What is this? Where are you going?"

"No going," Dean explained. "Coming back. She went to go see that monster."

"He's not a monster," Ella said calmly. "He is my mate."

Her family looked at her in shock. Ella was never the type to talk back to her family or to anyone. She was the 'good' daughter.

"Mate?" Dean spit out. "Do you hear yourself, you stupid girl? You mean nothing to them. They will toss you aside when you no longer serve a purpose."

"You're wrong," Ella said, shocking her father even more. "I mean nothing to you."

"Ella!" Ruby scolded her. "Stop this right now! Apologize to your father."


"You see this, mom," Mia said shaking her head. "This is what they do. They brainwash people."

"How would you know, Mia?" Ella turned her attention to her sister. "Since when are you an expert on werewolves?"

"What the hell is your problem?"

"What the hell is your problem? What the hell are all of your problems? Why do you carry so much hate in you? You are so blinded by this fucked up rage that you don't even see how you are killing me!"

"Killing you?" Dean demanded. "We have done nothing but provide for you your whole life. You had a roof over your head, food on the table, clothes to wear. What more do you want?"

"How about some compassion? Some understanding? Some support?" Ella threw her arms up. "You all have done nothing but blame me for all of your shortcomings for the past few months. I did nothing wrong. Yet, you treated me like the dirt beneath your feet. You are supposed to be my family, my biggest support system. Yet you have hurt me the most!"

"She's gone crazy," Dean shook his head. "That boy did all this."

"Oh yes," Ella laughed bitterly. "Go ahead and blame Maksim. Go ahead and blame me and Maksim for all the wrong in your life. Let me guess, Mia's failure in life is my fault too right? Her stupidity, her arrogance and her narrow mindedness is all my fault!"

Ella felt all the buried anger in her bubble up to the surface of the water. She turned to Mia and shook her head.

"You were supposed to be my sister," Ella said. "Yet you have scared me the most. You are not fit to be a mother. Leo will grow up hating himself if he stays in this house. Helping you keep him was the biggest mistake of my life. I'm sorry, Mia. I'm so sorry Liam hurt you but that chapter is long over. Grow the fuck up, you self centered shallow bitch."

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