Pt.28 Things fall apart

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Chapter 28

Maksim never wanted to stop.

He wanted the night to go on and on forever as he kissed Ella under the cascade of water and fireworks. But as Ella's delicate skin started to chill and her lips started to shiver, Maksim knew he needed to get her warmed up. With great difficulty, the prince pulled away from his mate and walked over to the control board. He switched off the water and turned back to look at the beautiful girl staring at him with swollen lips. Her wet clothes and hair clung to her body like a second skin as her eyes sparkled with the reflection of the lights. Maksim felt his mind wander down roads he didn't want to rush into.

"We should get changed," he said, his voice husky and a bit breathless.

Ella couldn't speak. She nodded her head and pulled her hair over her shoulder. With wrinkled fingers she wrung out the water and shook it so the strands didn't stick to her like vines.

Maksim held his hand out for Ella to take as he picked up his suit from the floor. She took a deep breath and moved towards him in the dark. But the wet fabric of her dress made it very difficult. The dress kept wrapping itself around Ella's legs and she had to stop every few seconds to untangle it. Maksim waited until she was in front of him to pick her up into his arms. He was expecting Ella to complain, but when she silently wrapped her arms around his neck he looked down at her and placed a kiss on her forehead.

The party was still going on in the ballroom as Maksim carried Ella upstairs. The loud music and voices followed them up the stairs before becoming a distant memory as the couple silently made their way to Ella's room.

"Thank you," Ella spoke for the first time since they had paused their kisses in the greenhouse. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes danced around nervously.

"Go dry up," Maksim said as he put her down in the middle of the room.

Ella nodded her head and tucked her wet strands behind her ear. She moved her hands down and started to tug at the fabric of her dress, trying very hard to get it to un-cling from her.

Maksim let his eyes linger on her for a second longer before he dropped his gaze and cleared his throat.

"Okay..... Um I'll be in my room," he said pointing to the door. "Good night."

"Good night," Ella whispered.

As Maksim turned on his heels and began to move towards the door, Ella felt her heart starting to ache. She didn't understand the feeling. It was as if she would die if he walked out of the room.

"Wait!" she called out to him.

Maksim stopped and looked over his shoulder, "Yeah?"

"I.....I.." Ella took a deep breath and swallowed the lump in her throat. "Can you please unzip me? I can't reach the zipper."

Maksim slowly turned around and nodded. He took the few steps towards Ella as she moved her hair over and turned to show him the zipper. In the mirror her eyes watched Maksim had he carefully reached out and took hold of the small zipper.

At the touch of his skin, Ella was suddenly taken back to the night not too long ago when they had been in that same position. The only difference was, this time around, Ella wasn't scared. Her body didn't want to cover up and hide in a hole or recoil from his touch in fear.

She wanted his touch. She welcomed it.

Maksim's eyes were lowered as he gently undid the hook on top and then slowly pulled the zipper down. When he finished he took a step and looked up.

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