Pt.6 Sister, Sister

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Chapter 6

Ella sprinted up the stairs as her heart fluttered in her chest.

I won't break my promise, Ell....

She prayed Maksim's words were true. Ella tried to explain to her heart to go slow and be rational, but the crazy thing was beating to its own drum. How could it not when he flashed her those dimples and she melted like the chocolate in her hand.

With a jiggle of her keys, Ella opened the front door and stepped inside. The small apartment was solely lit by the sunlight coming in through the two narrow windows by the kitchen. Leo played on the living room floor as the TV blared the sounds of the cartoons he loved so much.

"Hey, pumpkin," Ella said to the little boy as she took off her sneakers and dropped her bag by the door. "Want some chocolate?"

Ella looked around before she pulled the red box out of her bag and gave a piece to Leo. the little boy took it gleefully and began to chew immediately.

"Where were you?" Mia's sudden appearance by the hallway door made Ella jump.

She turned to her sister and slowly got off the floor, "I went to the park."

"But you weren't there," Mia raised a brow.

"What? Yes, I was."

"Leo and I went looking for you," Mia took a step into the living room. "We bought you some sandwiches, but you weren't there."

"Oh, I...I went for a walk," Ella gathered her bag and tugged at her t-shirt.

"What is Leo eating?" Mia looked at her son over her sister's shoulder.

"I gave him some chocolate," Ella smiled down at the little boy. She ruffled his reddish hair before taking a deep breath and heading for her room.

Mia stepped aside to let Ella pass, but just as she was through the archway, she caught sight of the red box inside Ella's half opened bag.

"What's that?" She asked her sister.

Ella's heart jumped into her throat. She pulled the straps of her bag closer and turned away to shield it between her back and the wall.

"Nothing," Ella shook her head.

"No, I just saw something," Mia reached over and tried to turn Ella around.

"Stop it," Ella complained, pushing her hand away.

"Why Are you acting so weird?"

"I'm not acting weird, you're being overbearing."

"Just show me what's in your bag,"


"The fact that you won't tell me is already telling me something is off."

"Oh my god, it's just a box of chocolate," Ella pulled the half empty box out and waved it in front of her sister's face.

"Where did you get this?" Mia turned the box before opening it.

"I bought it," Ella said quickly without thinking.

Mia's hands stopped turning the box as she looked up at her sister though her lashes.

"Brought it?" She asked.

Ella nodded.

"Ellie.....this box is from the palace."

Suddenly, Ella felt her insides disappear. She felt her heart begin to shake as her mind went blank.

"Is this from Maksim?" Mia held up the box and narrowed her eyes.

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