Pt.23 Diamonds and Ice

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Chapter 23

Maksim watched Ella sleep all night long. He never moved from her side as the color to her skin returned and her shivering stopped. It took a long time, but she eventually fell into a deep sleep and her muscles relaxed as Maksim covered her face with light feather kisses.

By morning, Ella was sweating. She opened her eyes to gray skies and Maksim's light breathing. Her heart did a flip in her chest as she realized his arms were wrapped around her and his shirt was off. Ella tried to move back a few inches but Maksim stirred in his sleep and pulled her closer.

He was crushing her to his chest. Ella tried again to wiggle out but it was like trying to get out of iron chains. Defeated and desperate for some arm space, Ella called to Maksim.

"Maksim," her throat was sore and her voice cracked as if she might lose it any second. "Maksim."

Maksim's brows furrowed as he moved his face closer to Ella. Instead of releasing her, the prince only pulled her closer.

"You're hurting me," Ella began to gasp for air.

Maksim's eyes snapped open. His heart started to race in his chest as he looked down into Ella's eyes. He took a second to register what was happening and as soon as his brain clicked he released her from his arms and jumped out of bed.

Horrified, Maksim stared down at Ella as she gasped for air on the bed. She rolled over to her side and turned away from Maksim as she filled her lungs with air.

"Fuck," Maksim said under his breath as he got back on the bed and hovered over Ells.

"Baby," he said with concern as he touched her shoulder and gently rolled her over on her back. "I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

Ella nodded her head as she sat up slowly. Maksim pulled away and untangled her legs from the blankets. Ella looked down and realized she was fully dressed. No wonder she was so uncomfortable, she thought, she slept with her bra on.

"Do you need water?" Maksim waited for her to speak. "Are you hungry? Are you cold?"

Ella shook her head as she patted her hair down. She slowly moved to the edge of the bed and set her feet down on the soft rug. Maksim followed her movements as if he was waiting for her to fall. He was ready to catch her. His eyes followed her as she stood up carefully and looked around the room.

"Where are we?" Ella asked in her raspy voice.

Maksim's heart tugged at the way her voice sounded. He frowned as he took a step closer and inhaled her scent to remind him she was safe and next to him.

"We're at my aunt and uncle's house," he said to her as she continued to look around. "She brought you here last night, do you remember?"

Ella looked at Maksim and nodded her head, "Yeah....I remember her and your dad picking me up from the bus stop."

"Ella," Maksim couldn't stop himself from touching her. He placed one hand against her face and leaned his forehead against her. "Why didn't you call me? What were you thinking? Were you going to sit out in the snow all night?"

Ella's eyes dropped to her hands, "I had nowhere else to go."

"What happened? Why were you out there?"

"I.... I got kicked out of my house," As Ella said the words aloud in the daylight, their weight became very real. She felt the panic in her begin to rise as she took a step back from Mackey and wiped her palms on her sweater.

"What?" Maksim asked to make sure he heard her correctly. "Why didn't you call me?"

Ella looked up at him and blinked several times. Was he really asking her why she didn't call him after he refused to see her when she showed up at the palace.

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