Pt.40 The love Bite

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Chapter 40

Ella couldn't bring herself to go to the trial. Maksim didn't want her to either. He hated the idea of her and Dean being in the same room. So instead, Maksim took Ella away to New York to show her their new apartment for the weekend with Piper and Cleo.

"What do you think?" Maksim asked as Ella walked around the empty place. The high ceilings and large windows made the place feel more like a dance studio then an apartment.

"Isn't it a bit too big?" Ella scrunched up her nose. "I mean do we really need three bedrooms?"

"Where will Piper stay?" Maksim asked as he leaned against the window.

Ella's heart softened as she looked over at her mate. The summer sunlight coming in through the window illuminated his back, making him look like a painting. She walked over to him and carefully looped her arms around his neck.

"I haven't thought about that," Ella confessed as she leaned her forehead against his. "I haven't thought about a lot of things."

"It's okay," Maksim kissed her forehead. "I'll do the thinking for you. Piper will stay here with you. I will have her enroll at a school here and I am also transferring out of St.Rieka."

"What?" Ella leaned back to look at her mate in confusion.

Maksim searched her eyes as a quick smile overtook his lips, "I applied for late admission at Columbia. You didn't think after everything that happened I would leave you in New York alone, did you?"

"But...." Ella grew concern. "It's tradition for you to go to St. Rieka."

Maksim sighed, "Baby, I'm a king. I can break tradition."

Ella didn't know what to say. She was thrilled with the idea of Maksim staying with her but at the same time she was worried his family might think she was a negative influence on him. She didn't want them to think he was throwing out traditions and customs for her. When she voiced her concerns to Maksim, he laughed.

"Baby, where are you going to learn that my parents and my whole family like you more than they like me," he said.

"Max...." Ella frowned as she picked at his shirt. "I don't think it's a-"

"Mom is not very fond of traditions and dad doesn't want you to be alone here either," Maksim pulled Ella into his arms and began to slowly dance with her in their empty apartment. "My plan makes everyone happy."

"Okay.... If you say so,"

Maksim carefully spun Ella into his embrace and dipped her over his arm, "Do you not want me to stay here?"

Ella opened her eyes and frowned once more, "Oh yes, Maksim Radacovick. I can't stand to have you here stay with me. How will I manage?"

Maksim laughed as he pulled Ella back up and kissed her lips. He had meant for a soft peck but Ella pulled him closer. She pressed her lips against his until Maksim wrapped her in his arms and kissed her back properly. Ella sighed against him and parted her lips to let him in. the sparks and tingles that ran down her body made her fear she could almost fly away. Underneath her hand, Ella felt Maksim's heart beat with her in unison.

"You haven't kissed me like that in a while," Ella said as she pulled back for air.

Maksim looked at her through dark hooded eyes, "I'm too scared I won't be gentle and hurt you."

"You could never," Ella placed a hand against his face and kissed his cheek.

Maksim sighed from her touch and pulled her closer, "I really can't wait until you're all healed and these casts and bandages come off."

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