Battle Trial Pt. 2

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3rd Person

After All Might declared that the villain team, Bakugo and Iida, has lots the match; Izuku was taken to Recovery Girl.
All Might continues to tell Bakugo that whether he won or lost, he must reflect back on the experience and move on.

"Young Iida had proven himself in this match," All Might declared, "How do you think he has done so?"

Yaoyoaruzu decides to answer the question by saying that Bakugo and Midoriya using long range attacks in an indoor area was too idiotic ; Uraraka's game got loose halfway and her last attack was too reckless.

~Time skip sponsored by " Plus Ultra"~

The next battle begins the hero team, Todoroki and Shoji, against the villain team, Ojiro and Hakagure. The battle begins in a different building.

Reader's POV

'This looks interesting' I thought as I watched the battle begin. Todoroki told Shoji to step out of the building 'Just what is he planning, the suspense is killing me' I thought trembling with excitement and curiosity. Little did I know a certain pomeranian was looking at me.

Todoroki then freezes the building then heats up the floor, preventing Ojiro and Hakagure from moving. Todoroki then touches the core earning him and his teammate a win. "That was smart but there is a lack of team work," I mumble to myself.

"That is right Young (Y/N), there was lack of teamwork, good eye," All Might spoke up out of no where. I just stood there wide eyed.

"You look like a deer in headlights," Kaminari chuckled earning a glare form Bakugo. I giggled a bit.

After a couple of matches it was my turn. I was on the villain team with Tokoyama against Mineta and Sero. 'YES! Mineta you shall meet your doom! HAHAHA!' I thought cackling internally while I had a mischievous grin on my face.

"Tokoyama, protect the bomb," I said while making a net around the bomb, "this should help you a bit." and with that I left.

I started walking around the corridor being careful not to make a sound.
"Mineta your cousin is kinda cute, I'm kinda jealous but it must be a nightmare for her," Sero admitted, "No Offence."

"It's alright, shes just playing hard to get," Mineta smiled pervertedly thinking about who knows what.

'That grape just pisses me off' I thought clenching my fist ready to punch him.

I came up with a plan to distract Sero.

I shot my glue like covered string at him pulling him towards me.

" Hi, how are you?" I asked sarcastically smiling at him, "Sorry about this."
I then kissed him on the cheek causing him to turn fifty shades of red, then his body went limp 'maybe that should be my second quirk' I smirked to myself.
'Time to get that pipsqueak'

"Mineta~" I whispered in a sing-song voice. He looked frightened, I appeared behind him kicking him forward. "Hello 'precious' cousin of mine," I said nonchalantly doing the quote hand movement.

3rd Person

Everyone in the monitor room watched in horror as (Y/N) kept on torturing Mineta.
"Young (Y/N), you can stop now,"All Might started only to be interrupted by Mineta screaming and (Y/N) smacking the shit out of him. All Might sweatdropped at this.

" You've won, Young (Y/N) and Young Tokoyama!"He stated much louder.

Reader's POV

After I cooled down, I made my way to everyone else, I saw Sero still blushing like maniac. I decided to go over and apologise.

" Hey Sero, "I said from behind him causing him to jump.
" H-hey, d-did you need s-somthing? "he asked avoiding contact.
" I'm sorry for kissing you without your consent, "I apologise making him wave his hands in front of him.

" N-no, I liked it, "he admitted accidentally earning a questioning look from me," N-not like that, I- I'm sorry; wait why am I apologising, smooth move man, " Sero said mumbling the last part to himself although I could hear him. I started laughing earning looks from my classmates.

"You're too cute and funny," I said I between laughs. When I calmed myself down, I realised Denki smirking at Sero.

"Ooh I think she has the hots for you," he whispers tho I could hear him.

We all made our way to class after going to the changing rooms.

'Today was fun' I smiled.

I took up my bag and left, later arriving at the gate and started waiting for Mineta. I was bored so I decided to browse on my phone.

"Hey," I voice called from infront of me making me look up. Its the pomeranian.

"Hello Mr. Pomeranian," I said sweet and innocently.

"Don't call me that Gluestick," Bakugo protested.

"So what did you need?"

"Why did you kiss Scotch tape?" he asked looking into my eyes with those beautiful rubies for eyes 'wait what?' I shook my head.

"Why not?" I smirked causing him to glare at me, "Wait, are you jealous?"


"Alright jeez, no need to yell. We stayed quiet for a moment until I smirked.

" Are you sure?"

What happened next caught me completely off guard.

What would happen next, Find out in the next chapter.

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