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Melamin (私の愛)

Opening: Me Against the World-Nightcore

Chapter Twelve: Hope

Kalina was poring through each book in the library trying to find something that could help Mela and Kensui. She came upon a symbol of a rose behind a shield with a dragon on it. She pored through the text and was about to turn the page when something caught her eye. "Jenka Kusinagi? A descendant of elves?! Could it be?" She memorized the symbol and started the next book. "Aha!" she exclaimed, finding the loophole she needed.


"You will marry Astald and that's all there is to it," Lakilea explained to Mela. "He's an elf, therefore he can be king, and he's not so bad." He turned around and started for the door. "Just come out in five minutes for the ceremony. Please?" With that he left.

Mela collapsed onto the bed, weeping into her hands. "Why...? Why did it have to come to this?" She was trembling. She broke down into tears which lightly stained her wedding dress.

"I love him so much...! I don't want to marry Astald...! I always sensed something off with him...! Please... Just let me be with Kensui...!" She fell to her side. "Just once more..."

Kalina eavesdropped on her by pressing her ear against the closed door. "Don't worry, Mela. I've got you covered. There's no way I'm letting Astald get that throne."

And with that, she opened a portal to the human world.


Sakura railed on Kensui. "What's with the double grocery money lately? And why are they tacking on another 1,200 yen a month to cover someone else living here?! And you've been punching holes in the wall?! What's wrong with you lately!?"

No matter how much she screamed and yelled, the boy just seemed dead.

She had absolutely enough of his more-than-usual apathetic demeanor after two days of skipping work.

"Kensui!" She shouted angrily

His response was to roll over on his futon with a bored groan.

"Don't you groan at me!" She slammed her fist through a wall. "I have to work two jobs just to make sure we can both survive. You told me you could handle yourself. You promised me. These bills and letters say otherwise. I've skipped work just looking after you!"

"Nothing matters." Kensui replied with a flat tone. "Nothing matters anymore. Everyone can just die for all I care." He whispered to himself. "I can just die for all I care."

Sakura gripped her fist tightly, trembling with a feeling that mixed anger and sadness. She just didn't know what was going on, and especially what she should do.


Kensui recognized that voice so well. "That's... The runt?"

Sakura turned around to see Kalina coming out of a portal.

Kalina saw Sakura and her eyes were drawn to the ring on Sakura's finger. "I knew it! There is hope!"

"What. The. Fu-"

"King!" Kalina shouted, cutting her off. "Kensui, are you ready to become king?!"

"King? Kensui? What?" Obviously, Sakura had no idea what was going on.

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