Boy Love

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Melamin (私の愛)

Opening: Me Against the World-Nightcore

Chapter Seven: Boy Love

Satomu grunted as the bigger kid pushed him to the ground.

“Look at the little kid cry,” the big kid sneered. “Give me all your money, kid. Or I’ll take it out of your hide.”

“I’m sorry,” the four-year-old Satomu bawled. “I don’t have any on me. I don’t get my allowance til tomorrow.”

The kid began smacking his hand with his fist. “Not good enough, kid. Guess I’ll just have to beat the daylights outta you. Then, afterwards, I’ll see if you’re telling the truth or not.”

“No,” Satomu said, raising his arm. “Please don’t!”

He closed his eyes and braced himself.There was a smacking sound and something hit the ground hard. When Satomu realized it wasn’t him that hit the ground, he slowly opened his eyes. Standing in front of him was another kid his size, long black hair flowing in the breeze, fists clenched.

The bully lay on the ground, rubbing his reddening cheek with tears in his eyes. He bolted to his feet and ran off. “I’m gonna tell my mommy!

The other kid turned around and reached his hand out to Satomu. “Here.  Let me help you up.”

Th-Thank you,” said Satomu, taking his hand with wide eyes.

“Wh-Who are you?”

 “I just recently moved here,” the boy said.

They both looked up as a teenage girl ran up. “There you are. Mom and dad are looking for you. Little boys shouldn’t run off on their own.”

“I’m sorry, Big Sis.” Sakura took his hand as they turned to leave.

 “Wait!” Satomu called. “I never got your name. Mine’s Satomu Furikawa and I go to Fujiki Elementary.”

“I start there next week. And my name’s Kensui. Kensui Kusinagi.” With that, Kensui and Sakura walked off.


The wind blew a sheet of newspaper across the street. It fluttered and came to rest at the foot of an oaken wood door with a bronze plate with the number 226 on it. Under the 226, was the name Kusinagi.

The wind began to pick up and the sheet furiously fluttered away as Lord Astald, Genkai, and Genchi appeared in front of Kensui’s apartment complex, stepping from a portal.

 “So this is the place?” Astald asked them.

“Yes, Master.”

“Such a common, unsavory place for the Crown Princess,” said Astald, surveying the complex with disdain. He glanced at the goblins. “Very well. You may go. I’m going to keep an eye on them myself. I must learn more about this....human.”

Genkai and Genchi vanished.  Astald turned into his human form. As a human, he had reddish blond hair and looked quite common. “Ugh. I hate this form.” Nevertheless, he settled against a wall, pretending to be asleep, and waited and watched.

Melamin (私の愛)Where stories live. Discover now