Growing Up

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Tamakis PoV

It was my first day of 3rd grade at a new school and i was so scared. I was a girl named Tamika amajiki and i held a secret deep in me only me and my diary knew. I was trans. I stood up at the front of my new class and stuttered "h-h-h-hello-hello m-my n-na-name is t-tam-tamika and i l-lik-like h-e" i was so terrified i couldn't even finish my sentence. I just sat down. My new teacher took the attendance and everyone got into groups talking about their spring breaks. I sat alone nobody wanted to be the first to talk to the socially awkward kid until this boy with bright blue eyes and blonde hair came up to me " hello I'm mirio  togata where you trying to say you like heros?!" The bubbly boy asked and i blushed in embarrassment and nodded but then he said "me to aren't they amazing amajiki!" I smiled and knew we were going to be friends.  We began to hang out a lot and we became best friends.

Middle school came and i decided to come out to him. He was so happy that i told him "OMG IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU SOOO WHAT'S YOUR NAME WHAT SHOULD I CALL YOU" he yelled in exitment. I got really shy and put my head down "i-its uh t-tam-ta-tamaki" the blonde boy they yelled "TAMAKI IT IS" then he hugged me. Him excepting me made me so confident i went home and told my parents but that was a huge mistake. They yelled at me saying stuff like "no daughter of mine will become a boy" that really hurt me. I went upstairs and cut my hair off. I loved it.  I then called mirio and told him i came out and they expected me. I know i lied but i didn't want him to feel sorry for me. I then went on to say that they gave me money for a binder and asked him to come with me and he agreed. I took my piggy bank and took all the money and went to his house.

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