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Tamaki finally woke up. He gets up and he sees he wasn't in the clothes he was wearing. I knew it was nejire has its happened before. He heard there was someone other then mirio and nejire so he put on his binder and went out. He saw Shinso and Aizawa and was confused. They looked up to see amajiki. "Tamaki Amajiki you're finally awake" Aizawa said. Tamaki realized since he was changed they must of seen his cuts. "Tamaki would you mind doing something for us" Aizawa asked. Tamaki looked down and nodded.

Shinsos PoV

I asked tamaki a question. "What color are mirios eyes" he replied with. "Blue" i then started taking control. "Roll up your leggings and your sleeves" he does exactly that revealing the cuts.

"How did you get those cuts?"
"I did them"
"How did you do them"
"Why did you do them"
"I couldn't take the pain of everyone knowing my secret"
"I didn't want to get bullied and get my parents called in"
"Why don't you want your parents coming in"
"I dont want to get beat next holiday"
"What do you mean"
"They abuse me for being trans but i told my friends that they except me"
"Why did you tell them that"
"I didn't want them to worry"
"Why didn't why want them to worry"
"I didn't want them to think i was seeking attention"

"Stop now Shinso we have heard enough" i stop the control. When i do tamaki falls to the floor. Mirio went over to him to comfort him and nejire stood in front of him and pat his head. She did always call him her little kitten i always thought it was really cute and wholesome.
End of PoV

Tamakis PoV

I snap out of what felt like a day dream to see mirio on the floor next to me hugging me and nejire patting my head. Aizawa was behind nejire looking sad and confused and Shinso looked like he felt guilty. I was confused "w-wa-what h-happened" i stuttered. Aizawa looked at me and said "you should of spoken to someone its unhealthy keeping your feelings bottled up inside you" i immediately knew what he was talking about. I started to cry. "Amajiki you're going to see a therapist sessions start next week I'm letting you and your friends take the week off" Aizawa explained. I nodded and Shinso and him left.

Mirio and nejire helped me up and told me to take off my binder. I did as they said not wanting to disappoint them anymore then i already had. I went into the living room to see the lights off and the tv on. Mirio and nejire were sitting next to each other with a space in the middle. They told me to sit in the middle and i again did as they said. Nejire raps her arm around me and mirio placed my head on his chest and told me to calm down. He placed his hand on my chest and felt how fast my heart was beating. They turned on Netflix and put on a movie called Matilda. I didn't really pay attention. I kept my head in my arms on mirios chest. I was sobbing quietly but i felt safe. Like with nejire and mirio with me everything would be ok. I again fell asleep. I wake up the next morning in the bed alone. I walk into the kitchen to see mirio and nejire talking. They look up to see me standing there awkwardly. They get up walk over to me and hug me and asked me how i was. Yet again i said "I'm fine" mirio had enough of me saying that. He picked me up and walked me to the couch. Nejire followed.
End of PoV

Mirios PoV

I picked tamaki up and took him to the couch after he said he was fine. Said sat him on my lap with nejire sitting behind him hugging him and patting his head to comfort him. I held his hands tight and said "jiki you aren't fine. You always say you are. Come on talk to us we know you're not attention seeking jiki you need help please let us help you." Nejire then said after me "yeah kitten we love you we know you would never be an attention seeker." Tammy looked like he was about to cry and said "fine. I'm really not fine I'm aching inside i can't take the bullying i can't take the fact that im not normal and people like you two would die for me." He started to cry. I pulled him in for a hug but he pulled away. He got up and ran into the bathroom. Me and nejire realized we didn't get the glass from there. We began to worry. We stated banging on the door.
End of PoV

Nejire PoV

Me and miri were banging on the door in worry. I yelled "KITTEN PLEASE DON'T DO IT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE" i started to cry. Mirio was banging on the door already crying. After 10 minutes he opened the door. He held his arm and had this head down. His legs were shaking. He fell over, luckily miro court him before he fell. I rolled up his sleeve to see a fresh cut. Mirio took him to the bed and said "i think he pasted out from losing so much blood get the first aid kit" i did as he said. Mirio opened the kit and took an alcohol wipe and started to clean the cut. Soon there was a pretty deep scratch on his arm and his padded it up. He rolled down kittens sleeve and kissed his forehead then rapped him up in the blanket. We went into the bathroom and took the box. Miro locked it in his draw.

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