new therapist

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The three woke up in mirios dorm. It was Saturday morning and they were all nervous for therapy. They knew it was class 1a's therapist so he had to be good. After all the villain attacks they sure needed it. It was 11am and their appointment wasn't till 13:30 (1:30pm for all you American folk) mirio was the first out of bed but nejire and tamaki refused to get up. Mirio tryna help his friends feel better dragged up out by their wrists saying "up you get" but nejire and tamaki just grunted. "Fuck offfffffff mirio we're tryna sleep" tamaki wind. Nejire smiled and rolled back onto the bed putting her face into the pillow and tamaki put his head under the covers. "Jeez guys i hate mornings to but ya need to get up" mirio laughed. "Or we could just stay here forever" tamaki yawned. Mirio knew what he had to do...

he pulled the covers off of them and began to tickle them. They began laughing uncontrollably. "OK OK YOU WIN WE'LL GET UP" tamaki said in between laughs took ya long enough." Laughed mirio. Nejire sat up with her hair all over the place. "Fuck you mirio" she grunted. "Aww love ya to" he joked. The two got up and made the bed. They weren't gonna bother getting ready yet. Nejire didn't bother to fix her hair. The three went into the living room and began talking. Suddenly the door knocked. Tamaki answered and saw Aizawa standing there. He was about to say something until he looked over to nejire and smirked. "DON'T YOU SAY A WORD" she grunted. Tamaki and mirio laughed. "MIRIO FUCK YOU" the girl yelled. Aizawa couldn't help but laugh. "Anyway how can we help you Aizawa?" Mirio asked. "Well the therapist is coming to your dorm at 13:30 (1:30pm) so at least look presentable cough nejire cough " Aizawa joked. "OH FUCK YOU IT'S MIRIOS FAULT" the girl grunted once again. Aizawa just laughed and left.

By now it was 11:30am. They had 2 hours to eat and get ready. "I don't care what you fuckers say ESPECIALLY you mirio I'm using the bathroom and there's nothing you can do to stop me."nejire grunted again. "Ayyy calm down. Is it that time of the month?" Mirio asked knowing full well she only asks like that when she's on. "Yes sadly" nejire grunted (DAMN I SAY GRUNTED A LOT) as she went into the bathroom. "Ok after therapy you stay here with her as you know how to deal with this while i clear out every shop i can find of their ice cream, chocolate bars and sweets and ill stock up on pads" mirio whispered. Tamaki smiled and agreed.

About an hour and 15 minutes later nejire came out with the look of pain on her face. Her pain was so bad she couldn't walk properly. Tamaki helped her get to the sofa while mirio cooked. While the stove was heating up he made hot chocolate for nejire. After half an hour they were all ready and had eaten. The therapist was going to come in about 15 minutes so the three just sat their showing memes to each other till they heard a knock on the door. Nejire was about to get up when tamaki pushed her down gently and opened the door (he was not gonna let her suffer as he understands the pain)

Tamaki let the therapist inside. The three sat on a sofa together with tamaki on the left nejire in the middle and mirio on the right. The boys were rubbing her back to help her. The therapist man sat on an arm chair across from them. He introduced himself as Me.Otoko and his quirk was lie detector. Pretty self explained he can tell when someone is lying or telling the truth but placing and round pads he can get from his fingers on the person.

Mr.Otokos PoV

I introduced myself and ask what one of them is Tamaki Amajiki. The boy with dark indigo hair and elf ears puts his hand up. He looked very uncomfortable. "Ok lets start with you before we begin i need to ask you a few details you might feel uncomfortable answering. Its perfectly fine if you don't answer but it would really help if you did." All i got from him was a simple nod.

O: so amajiki is it true you are trans.
T: nods yes
O: is it true you self harm or have self harmed in the past
T: nodes yes
O: do you come from an abusive family
T: nods yes
O: are you comfortable speaking about it
T: nods no
O: ok lets begin. Youre gonna need to talk for this.

I place 1 pad on his left hand another of his forehead 1 on his right arm 1 on his chest and 1 on knee. I see the blonde boy look at him in worry.

O: ok so how are you feeling
T: fine
O: how long have you been abused for
T: ... Um 7 years i think
O: other then your self harm have you ever tried to end your life
T: n-no

"Amajiki..." I say in worry. You lied. I saw the blonde boy and the blue girl look at him in pure sadness. "I um i-im s-sorry" amajiki whispers. I explain to not be sorry but he needs to open up about it. I ask if he wants to move on and he nods yes. Ok.

So what one of you two are nejire hado. The blue haired girl put her hand up. I place my pads on her in the same places. "Before i start are there any topics you're uncomfortable with talking about?" I ask. "Um i don't think so" she says with a look of pain on her face. "Are you ok? Are you hurt?" I ask in slight worry. She smiles. "Yeah its just um girl problems." She says looking slightly uncomfortable. I nod in understandment.

O: how are you feeling?
N: tried and in pain but fine
O: have you ever tried self harming?
N: sigh yes
O: why?
N: when i found out i was gay i came out to my grandparents and they disowned me.
O: how long ago was this?
N: i don't exactly remember i think about a year ago.
O: did you tell anyone?
N: no
N: i didn't want people to worry.

Ok hado we are done you did good. She smiled and looked while the boys were hugging her. "Im guessing you're mirio togato? Correct?" I say to the blonde boy. "Correct" he said back. I did the exact same thing with him. Asked him if there was anything that he was uncomfortable talking about and he said no.

O: how are you feeling?
M: fine
O: have you ever tried self harming?
M: no

"Togata you need to tell the truth." I say slightly sad. He sighs and we continue.

O:when did you?
M: when i dragged my friends to the park.
O: why did you do it.?
M: the stress of everything was to much.
O: what do you mean by everything?
M: we all just came out everyone found out and was bullying us and i was worried and tamaki and i purposely scrapped my leg across a tree leaving a deep cut.
"Ok. That's enough with the questions. Is there anything you wanna talk about. Anything you want to get off your chest. Feel free to rant if needed im here to help and listen. Lets start with you Hado."

Nejire PoV
Um well i hate the fact kitt- i mean tamaki mirio and i get bullied because of something we can't control. Not only that but these people are trying to be heros and they gave tamaki such a hard time just for being shy but then when his secret was revealed it got worse and there was so many times i just wanted to take him and mirio and just run away" i was basically crying at the end of it. I felt to sets of arms rap around me. Mr. Otoko asked why i didn't run away. I cried a bit more "because i didn't know where we could go and i didn't want them to get hurt" he then said "you have a really big soft spot for your friends don't you" i nod.
End of PoV

Tamaki PoV
"Amajiki you next" Mr. Otoko says. "I um i hate how i can't stand up for myself. I hate how i need my friends to help me with every little thing i do. I hate how i look. I hate how im so shy. I hate the fact im so different. I wish i was able to stand up for myself. I wish my friends wouldn't have to get hurt because of me. I wish i was normal." i say trying to keep calm and trying not to cry. The man sighs. "Amajiki you have social anxiety correct?" I nod. "Its not as easy as that for you and you know nobody is normal. Normal isn't a thing especially with quirks. Its ok to need help. Its ok to have your friends to help you." I smile. I kinda understand.
End of PoV

Mirio PoV
"Togata your turn"the man's says " i don't really have anything i want to rant about." I wasn't lying tho.
End of PoV

"OK so you three have deep connections with one another. I suggest you keep that up you three can really help each other. I would suggest you all moving into the same dorm as well gender doesn't seem to bother you and it could really help and as Aizawa said Hado you do spend like 5 out of 7 days here anyway. Maybe you should keep a shared diary. From next week i can have mini game like thing set up for you all." Mr.Otoko says. The three like the ideas the man has come out with. He says that its the end of this session and leaves."

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