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The three headed to tamakis dorm to help him pack. Nejire did the toiletries and mirio helped with the clothes. Tamaki did the books. 30 minutes later the boys were done and nejire was almost done. She opened up the last cabinet to see and small blue box and a first aid kit. She thought nothing in it till she dropped the box and the glass pieces scattered everywhere. "MIRI JIKI COME HERE" nejire yelled. They rushed in to see red glass all over the floor. Mirio was confused "jiki what's that and why is it in the bathroom?" Mirio asked. Tamaki hated lying to his friends and he was really bad at it. He froze trying to think of something to say. "Uhh its-its um" tamaki stuttered. "Tamaki Amajiki don't lie to us. Please..." Mirio pleaded. "It's just for my nails i once filed them down to much and cut my fingers" tamaki lied. "Tamaki that's not possible im a girl and my nails are always done now tell us the truth" nejire says in deep worry. "Its n-no-nothing i pr-promise" tamaki lies once again. "L-lets j-ju-just c-cle-clean thi-this up" amajiki stutters.

Nejire and mirio look at each other and agree to look into this. They pick up the glass pieces and put it in the box. Nejire takes a small piece of the glass and put it in her pocket. Tamaki puts the box into his bag and takes the  first aid kick and puts it in his bag as well. They walk down the hall to mirios room. They begin to move some stuff around. Mirio had a double bed so he put it in the middle. They set tamakis side of the room on the left. Another 30 minutes later they were done. Tamaki put the box in the bathroom.

The three sit down in the living room and turned on a movie. Tamaki fell asleep not taking off his binder. Nejire had to take off his binder for him she couldn't let him suffer. She got an oversized hoodie. She took off his jumper and binder. She quickly put on the hoodie before she did she saw something on his arm. She called mirio in to carry him to the bed. Nejire told mirio about the thing on his arm and they rolled up his sleeves.

They were shocked from what they saw. They saw 3 cuts on his arms. They thought it was just from hero training. Mirio left so she could change his jeans. But then she was shocked. There were 9 deep cuts all over his legs. She started to cry and mirio heard and came rushing in. Mirio looked at his legs and started to cry as well. They both knew what the glass was for. Nejire took the leggings and put them on him and covered him with the blanket. "Awww so cute" nejire said. "Yeah he is now come with me" mirio said really worked up.

They went to Mr.Aizawas classroom wanting to talk to him. School just ended and class 1A came rushing out. They knocked on the door. "Come in" Aizawa said.

Mirios PoV

Me and nejire walked to Aizawas class room. We knocked on the door and he told us to come in. We opened the door and we walked up to his desk. I then explained what we saw. "Tamaki feel asleep in his binder and nejire undressed him because we didn't want him to get hurt and she saw 3 deep cuts on his arm and we just thought it was from training. She then went to change his jeans and we saw 9 deep cuts on both of his legs and earlier that day we dropped a box and red glass scattered all over the floor and he would tell us why its bloody then we saw that and we are scared he is cutting himself" i then started to cry.
End of PoV

Aizawas PoV.

Mirio explained to me what happened and he started to cry. Nejire started to comfort him and i said "hey don't worry we'll get to the bottom of this I'll get Shinso to use his quirk and we can figure out what's happening i promise" nejire then started to cry. I got up to comfort the kids. Once they calmed down we went to the dorm. We saw tamaki sleeping. We didn't want to wake him so i called Shinso to come and we waited.

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