the lesson

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The big three begin working together the nejire writing mirio looking on the Internet and tamaki tell them facts and experiences. About 20 minutes later they have finished with a page and a half worth of writing. It said

Being transgender means you do not agree with your gender given to you at birth. With being trans gender comes a mental illness called dysphoria which is basically when you are really body conscious so you'll wear oversized clothes to cover your body or for ftm wear a binder and for mtf you'll wear a bra and stuff it with something. Being transgender is something that can take years to figure out. For the examples we are using ftm. A girl can be a tomboy and still be a girl but when you're trans its when there's something that doesn't feel right. Lets say you have a girly name and you can't stand it that's a sign of being trans but that's not necessary. Sometimes comments that are like "you're such a beautiful girl" and "princess" can really bother you. Most people dont start realizing they are trans till about 11 because that's when their body starts changing.

"This is good" mirio said "yeah what do you think Tammy" nejire asked "its fine lets just hand it in so we can just talk" tamaki replied "ok" mirio put it at the front.

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