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It was 6am when tamaki woke up. He knew his friends would be asleep for another half hour. He left his room to make something to eat when he saw mirio crying on the sofa. He rushed over to comfort him "mirri what happened?" Mirio looked up and said "don't worry it was just a nightmare" tamaki was concerned. "Do you wanna talk about it." He asked. "Yeah... It started as any other morning. But when i went to class i saw the mean kids bullying you and me and nejire were trying to stop it but then the kids said why are you sticking up for him you're two got us to bully him" mirio said crying harder. Tamaki smiled knowing he had friends who care. "Don't worry it was just a nightmare its over" tamaki explained trying to calm him down.

"I'll make us breakfast wake nejire up" tamaki said. Mirio went into his room to wake nejire up to his surprise she was already awake.

M: did ya just wake up?
N: yeah pretty much. You ok i heard crying.
M: yeah im fine. Wait did i wake you?
N: no don't worry. Anyway what happened last night all i remember is tamaki putting his shirt on me?
M: you pasted out from the cold then Aizawa found us. We were all beat up so recovery girl healed us and we didn't want you to have to stay there so me and tamaki brought you here. Aizawa is gonna check on us at like 7 so i would get up if i were you tamaki is cooking.
N: oh ok

Nejire and mirio left the room to the smell of pancakes. Tamaki had just finished the last plate. He placed them on the table. By the time they were finished it was 6:40. Tamaki went to get ready in the bathroom, nejire in the bedroom and mirio in the living room. 20 minutes later they were all done. Aizawa knocked on the door. Mirio got up and answered the door. Mirio let him in.

Aizawas PoV

I knock on the door and mirio answers. He lets me in and i see them all in uniform. I ask nejire if she's ok. She replied with a simple "I'm fine"
I then tell tamaki that what he did was brave. He asks what i mean. "I mean you were brave. You sacrificed your own self to help your friends. I know that the long sleeve nejire was wearing was yours and i know the blazer was yours to and when i asked you if you were cold. You lied so nejire would be warm. You will be a great hero someday.  Tamaki smiled. "And mirio i saw how worried you were. When i came you were crying and trying to keep nejire safe. Youre like her big brother." Mirio smiled. "You don't have to go to school today but if you want to you can. Me and the other teachers are trying to figure out who runs the account that keeps posting the nasty stuff but nobody but you 3 from your year was absent so it must be a second or first year. It'll take sometime but we'll figure it out." They smiled and mirio said "we are already ready so we might as well come to school. At lunch can we hang out in that hallway again please?" I smiled "of course you can use it whenever you want." They all smiled at this. I told them about breakfast and left.
End of PoV

It was 7am they decided to head breakfast at 7;45 as class didnt start till 8:40. They passed the time talking about their sleep over. The time came pretty quick. They all left the room keeping their heads down. Several people gave disgusted looks. A few mostly from class 1a gave worried looks.

They just went to the cafeteria and got their food. None of them were really hungry but they needed the energy. Overall breakfast was pretty calm. A few of their class mates made whispers and looks. Mirio and nejire felt uncomfortable but tamaki was used to it. Once they finished up they headed to class. The where early. Before they went in nejire froze. Mirio and tamaki knew she was scared. They held her hands but as the were about to walk in they froze again. They were all Scared. Suddenly they felt a pair of strong arms wrap around them. It was Aizawa. They looked at, him he had that "you can do it" look on his face. The three looked at each other smiled and walked in. As always they sat in the back and waited.

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