back to school

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Tamaki sat down next to nejire. Mirio came over with a tray with 3 plates of food. He placed them down being careful not to spill anything. Mirio sat down and began talking. Tamaki just stayed silent drifting into to space staring at his food. A few minutes go by and mirio noticed tamakis behavior. "Tammy?" Mirio said. "Huh who what" tamaki said breaking out of his day dream. Mirio asked if he was ok. Tamaki again said he was fine putting a fake smile on and starting to eat.

(Bold is nejire slanted is mirio normal is tamaki)

So what happened at therapy kitten
Nothing really just asked some questions
Jiki don't lie tell her what happened
Its fine that doesn't matter
The lady was kinda mean she was calling jiki a girl and asked some strange questions
Oh? Aren't ya gonna tell Aizawa
No no it's fine I'll just ignore it
But what about your mental health? Kitten I'm worried
There's no need to be worried i told you I'm fine (fake smiles)
Ok well if you ever wanna talk we're here and we ain't letting you go there alone.
Yeah we are really worried
Awww i love you guys
We love you to jiki

They finish off their food and tamaki goes back into his room to finish off his diary entry

Tamakis PoV

Lets try this again shall we. I grab the book and sit on my side off the bed and start writing.

Dear diary
Today was my first day of therapy. The therapist was kinda mean but it's fine I'm not gonna report her i don't wanna have to move. My friends are really worried about it but i put a fake smile on and i think they believed it. Because of what happened in therapy mirio and nejire took me to get ice cream it was really nice. Shoto todorokis older sister served us. Todoroki was really nice he needed his sister for something and because he (in his words) interrupted us he insisted on paying. I left kinda bad. I might make him something or buy him something to say thank you otherwise he might think I'm greedy and start to hate me- ugh I'm stupid i have to stop letting my past Thoughts from taking over me like that. But yeah I'll probably buy him something to say thank you.

That should be good. I put the book back in my desk and go out to see mirio cleaning up the dishes and nejire washing the sides. I felt bad for not helping and i began to dust. Mirio must of noticed and told me to stop and that i need to relax. I told him i didn't want them to do all the work but then he took my hand and dragged me to the sofa and insisted i stayed there and relaxed. I didn't want to argue with him so i did as i was told. I got out my phone and looked at Instagram. It was all the usual stuff until i saw this one picture of mirio and i entering the hospital with a caption "look at the faggots. On a date i see lol disgusting" it had 200 likes and over a 1000 comments. I decided not to mention it to mirio he doesn't really use Instagram so he hopefully won't see it. 
End off PoV

It was getting late and the three had school the next morning so nejire headed back to her dorm which was next the theirs. Mirio and tamaki headed to sleep.  It was 4 in the morning and mirio had been asleep for hours but Tamaki hadn't slept at all. Soon enough morning hit and mirios annoying alarm went off. Tamaki pretended to be asleep. Mirio turned off his alarm and made breakfast. He decided to leave tamaki till breakfast was ready.

20 minutes later mirio came back into the bedroom to wake the "sleeping" bean. Luckily tamaki was good at acting so he pretended to wake up and damn was he good at it.  They both got up and ate. Tamaki felt week but he knew he had to go school so he forced himself to shower and change. Even his binder was to hard for his weak body. At 8:30am they meet nejire outside their dorm as always and walked to class. Tamaki kept his head down in embarrassment. They got to class at 8:35 so there were 6 minutes till class started. Most of the students were in except the mean kids.  Tamaki was dreading the looks he was gonna get when they walked in.

Soon enough they came in and like tamaki expected they looked at him in a strange way and looked at each other said something and laughed.  Mirio clearly noticed and comforted tamaki but Tamaki just pushed him away.

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