behind the scenes

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Tamakis PoV

I ran back to my dorm and got a little blue box out of my cabinet. The box contained broken glass that i have collected over the years. I opened it and took the sharpest piece. I didn't want to cut my arm as it would be hard to cover up so i rolled up the jeans and place the glass on my skinny leg. I digged in and pulled it across. Seconds later a line of blood followed where i had cut and it began to drip. I dabbed away the blood and pulled down the jean leg.

I heard mirio calling for me. I quickly washed away the blood and open the bathroom door to see mirio and nejire there. They must of used the key i gave mirio to get in. Mirio asked me if i was ok and i gave the simplest answer. "Im fine." I could tell they didn't believe me. Nejire pulled mirio and i in for a hug and told me to ignore them. I smiled at the fact that i had friends who cared about me and i knew i was safe with them. Nejire asked if we wanted to go the park after school to get our mind off things. We both agreed and went back to class.

On the way to class we were stopped by Mr.Aizawa. He was worried about me. He was one of the only teachers who knew i wash once female and he heard what was going on. "Amajiki are alright" i smiled and replied with "I'm fine." Its a habit i have. I tell people I'm fine when I'm not really fine. Mr.Aizawa then said "Togata Hado make sure you look after Amajiki." My friends both smiled and agreed. We kept walking back. It was lunch time by now.

When we were there mirio and nejire stood in front of me holding my hands with angry looks on their faces. Everyone looked up and started whispering. It made me uncomfortable and i looked down in embarrassment. My friends guided me to our table. Nejire went to get our food and mirio sat with me to comfort me.
End of PoV

"Here mirry here kitten" nejire handed them their food. Mirio smiled and tamaki just half smiled like it was hard for him to smile. Mirio and Nejire noticed this and asked if he was ok but yet again he replied with "I'm fine" they brushed it off and continued eating. Tamaki started to stair into space completely unaware of his surroundings until mirio called his name. "Huh what" tamaki said0; snapping out of his day dream. "Aren't you gonna eat anything jiki" mirio asked. "Oh-oh ye-yeah" tamaki started to eat the food his friends gave him earlier.

The three finished off their food and went to their next class. Again nejire and mirio were protecting tamaki. When In class principal nezu called the big three into his office. They were confused but tamaki knew what was about to come. They walked to his office, luckily everyone was in class so nobody could see them.

Once they were they they saw Mr.Aizawa standing next to principal nezu

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