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Tamaki soon calmed down. Once he lifted his head he looked into mirios eyes and blushed. Aizawa nudged ectoplasm and smiled. Nejire kept talking to tamaki to keep him calm, while she was doing this Aizawa got out his phone and texted Shinso.

A: toshi go to the third floor go all the way down and take a left into the hall way i need you to use your quirk.

S: um ok dad I'll be there and a few minutes.

A: thanks son ❤

S: ❤

"Ok Shinso will be here soon" Aizawa said to ectoplasm. He nodded and continued to keep an eye on the kids. Mirio put tamaki down and with his face being bright pink he asked to speak to Aizawa. Aizawa agreed. They walked over to the end of the hall way while nejire was talking to tamaki and ectoplasm was keeping an eye on them.

Aizawa PoV

Mirio asked to talk to me and i agreed. We went to the end of the hallway and he looked kinda sad. "What's wrong mirio?" I asked. "Um the therapist you sent tamaki to is very mean. She used his incorrect pronounce asked strange questions and tamaki didn't want to tell you but i can't keep it in i worry about him a lot it hurts me to see him hurt please i think all three of us are in need of therapy can you get one from U.A for us" mirio cried. I was shocked. I immediately agreed. He smiled and went back over to tamaki. I got out my phone to text shinso.

A: when you brain wash tamaki make sure you get him to talk about therapy and get him to admit his feelings for mirio.


A: don't question me boy

S: fineeee you weirdo

A: love you to ❤

S: 🙄❤
End of PoV

Shinso finally came with his mask. He went behind tamaki to make sure he couldn't see him and used his mask to make his voice sound like nejire who was also behind tamaki. "Tamaki are you ok?" He asked. "Yeah im fine" he replied. Just like that Shinso was in control.

Shinsos PoV

S: how was therapy last week?
T: bad?
S: why?
T: the lady was mean
S: how?
T: she called me a girl and asked strange questions
S: sigh how do you feel about mirio?
T: i love him
S: in what way?
T: more then a best friend
S: how so?
T: like a crush
M: blush
N: squeel
A: smile ok stop now

I let go of the control and walk over to my dad and say "never again i mean it" but he just laughed.
End of PoV

Mirio had dark red blush on him but tamaki was confused. Mirio grabbed tamakis chin and kissed him. Nejire was freaking out in happiness Aizawa and ectoplasm were smiling and Shinso was proud. Their kiss soon ended and tamaki was redder then a tomato. Mirio smiled "tamaki amajiki will you be my boyfriend" tamakis eyes glowed and he hugged him "yes"

Aizawa PoV

I knew it would happen but now i need to talk to tamaki. I told the boy to come with me and i took him to the end of the hallway where i was. ectoplasm and shinso knew what i was about to so so they moved. Tamaki looked as if he knew what was about to happen. I grabbed his wrists not to hard and he flinched. I rolled up his sleeves revealing his bandages. "Explain" i said. He kept his head down. "I wasn't thinking the stress of everything got to me and i didn't know what to do im sorry" tamaki took the nail file out of his pocket and gave it to me. I sighed. "Thank you for giving it to me and don't worry about the therapist. You and the others will all be attending therapy inside of U.A and i will be expelling the 3 kids who made you do this and i promise we are working on finding who posted the Instagram posts." I saw the boy smile and he hugged me. I hugged him back. "I think its someone from 1a or 1b" tamaki frowned because he had friends from 1a. I told him he could go back to his friends and he did.

Authors note
I've seen the comments on my past few chapters and i wanted to say thank you i was reading them and they made me smile. Have an amazing day/afternoon/night ❤
~Rae 💕🌟🌈

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