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  "So I had started to ride my horse close to the dumb beast, but as I got closer, I heard more thuds behind me! With the rest of my squad nowhere near me, I knew I would have to fight them by myself. Most people would've started to panic, but I stayed completely calm, cool and collected."

  You plopped your butt on the table's bench in the nearly empty Mess Hall, sitting yourself next to a very bored looking Gunther on your left, and Eld in a very similar state to your right -in front of you was Petra, who had Oluo to her right and Lance Corporal Levi to her left. Even though it was a bit later than when you would normally eat, you and your squad were having a late lunch seeing as you guys had been training all day, and because it got tiring -and it ran overtime- Levi had allowed a late lunch, 'What would that be, a linner? No, that doesn't sound right...Dunch?' Despite knowing you would ruin your appetite for later, your stomach was growling and twisted in a rather uncomfortable fashion -so you glanced down at your tray that you had placed down not too long ago and took your spoon in one hand, shoving some mashed potatoes in your mouth. Listening to the bickering between Oluo and Petra, you couldn't help but think, 'They really do look like an old married couple.'

  "...and that's how I was able to kill both fifteen metre titans with only one good blade left in an open field." Oluo had a smug look on his face, his eyes closed and arms crossed, head held high as he finished his sentence.

  "Oluo, you do realise I was there for that, right? I saw the whole thing." Petra said as she rolled her eyes, clearly knowing that his story was false, "I'm almost certain that both titans were under seven metres, and I cut the ankles of both of them so you could kill them."

  Oluo opened his left eye the tiniest bit, still holding his head up as his smile flat-lined, "That was a different time, I'm talking about something else."

  "But there has never been a time when we have been outside of the walls apart, we're right next to each other in formation!" she countered, turning to him frustratedly with a hand on her right hip.

  "Hey, remember that time you guys both pissed your pants on your first expedition?"

  'What?!' you had trouble not spitting out your food, trying to keep in your surprised laughter with one hand when Gunther said that, horror casting itself on both of their faces as Eld joined in with you, looking over you and at Gunther while nodding enthusiastically in amusement.

  "O-Oi! I thought you promised not to tell her!" Oluo shouted as his face reddened a little, matching Petra's own as she joined in, "Yeah, y-you swore!" You could hear the bellows of laughter coming from the two males at your sides, and you laughed just as loud as they did once you swallowed your mashed potatoes, "T-The Walls! You guys," you exclaimed, taking a gasp for air, "You guys really did that?!"

  The replies you received remarkably varied, "I didn't though, it was only Petra!" "They sure did, on the way back too!" "What do you mean it was only me?! Don't pin this on me!" "It sprayed everywhere!"

  Your laughter doubled as you heard the last comment, "Man, is there anything else you guys are holding back on me?" you asked with a beaming smile, Eld and Gunther then sharing a look that you didn't miss with wicked smiles forming on their faces -baby blue and golden eyes meeting, "Well, there was that one ti-"

  "Woah, woah, woah! You can't just spill all of our secrets right away!" Oluo protested, before quickly realising that he just admitted to the previous accusation, "Not to say that I actually did it." he quickly added. Petra's eyes lit up as she suddenly got an idea, "Lance corporal, please tell (Y/N) the truth! It's the only way she'll believe us!" Everyone at the table flashed their eyes at Levi, who held his steaming cup of tea by the brim of his cup, something he did every time he drank from a glass, "Fine." he started, everyone waiting eagerly to hear what his answer would be.

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